Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Story About Jesus

I'm going to tell you a story about Jesus you've probably never read in your bible.

It seems that one day, he was walking along The Devil's Highway.  That's an area between Nogales, Mexico and Tucson, Arizona, where those sons of Satan, 'Coyotes',  often abandon people who have paid them good money to guide them to El Norte.  Many of those people, who are told their destination is 'just over that next hill', wind up dying of thirst, because there is nothing over that next hill except more hills and more desert, for miles and miles and miles!

Anyway, as Jesus was walking, he saw a couple sitting in the scant shade of a scrub mesquite.  He could easily tell they were not ok, and it was obvious that the woman was well into her pregnancy, but when he approached  them, he asked, 'Do you have papers?'  When they said 'No.', Jesus performed a miracle.  He got out his cell phone and actually got a signal!  He promptly called the border patrol and told them, 'I'm detaining two illegals.  I'll hold them till you can pick them up for deportation."

Just kidding.   That's not really what happened. This is what happened.

When Jesus reached the couple, he promptly gave them each a bottle of water from his back-pack.  After they'd drunk their fill of life-giving water, he told them, Come.  Follow me.  I will lead you to safety.

Before long, they reached a small adobe hut.  Inside, were a table, a couple of chairs and a big, comfy bed!  Jesus invited them to sit down and said, 'Rest here....I'll be right back.'  Very soon, he returned with a basin and a big pitcher of water.  He knelt before the couple and tenderly and carefully washed their tired, aching, blistered feet.

Then, he fed them some beans and tortillas and told them to get a good night's sleep.  He said, 'I have to go back out there.  There are so many lost and troubled souls out on that Devil's Highway and they, too, need my help.  But, tomorrow, I'll be back and I will take you to some of my good friends who will help you to build your new life.

Jesus kept his word to them. 

Before long, the couple, José and María, had a son.  With gratitude, they named him Jesús , to honor the man who saved them and brought them to sanctuary.

OK....I know.  You won't find this story in your Bible, either.  But, if one of these stories were true, you know which one it would be, don't you?