I’m thinking about deleting my first post on this here blog. It’s just so pitiful and whiney sounding! And when I wrote it, my intent was to keep this blog a secret…my very own cyber-diary, that no one else would ever see. But, I’m also thinking I might just leave it. It’s real. It’s me. So there! Some days are diamonds. Some days are stones.
We all have ‘em, don’t we? Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a delete button for those days?
We all have ‘em, don’t we? Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a delete button for those days?
I’m also thinking it might be a good reminder for folks who enjoy going to their community arts and crafts fairs. All those people showing their wares aren’t there just for the helluvit. They’re trying to make some moola! Some of them need the moola…really, really NEED it….like to pay bills or eat or at least make back their space rent. Some of them need the bucks so they can keep on making their art or crafts. Art and craft supplies ain’t cheap, busteroo! So, give ‘em a break. For crying out loud, if you possibly can, BUY SOMETHING! Or not. You can always go spend your money at Wal-Mart and get something that 3 million other people have one exactly like!! That was/is a very awkward sentence. But, you get my drift, doncha? Big Wink! (I considered adding a photo of Sarah Palin here, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that. )

I have such mixed emotions about those art and craft shows. To begin with, I never sleep much at all the night before. Then, you have to be up way before the crack of dawn to get there and get everything set up. And it’s c-c-c-cold! Or it’s HOT! And you’re sleep deprived and coffee deprived….and so is your spouse…and well, tempers are likely to flare! Next, is the sheer fun and frolic of setting up. Whoever named those tent/awning things EZ UPS are lousy liars! They are NOT easy to set up. And I almost always manage to break a fingernail in the fight…I mean the process. Now it’s time to unfold tables, spread out all your ‘stuff’, hang it and display it and merchandise it….all that stuff that will hopefully draw interest to your booth. By the time you’re done, you’re exhausted and just want to go home. But instead, you have to put on your happy face and be charming and gracious to everybody. Are we having fun yet?
The truth is that sometimes the best part of the whole experience is all the fun and interesting
people you get to meet and chat with.
Aside: You might as well know, right now, that I am an inveterate, incurable participle dangler. If that bothers you, I’m sorry. That’s just how it is. And my grammar ain’t too good either. And neither; is my, punctuation!!! And sometimes I forget to spell-check.
All that being said, let me just remind you that all those artsy-crafty folks need your support. So, don’t be stingy.

There is no way to explain how much it means to have someone actually pay you money for your creativity. It is nothing but a pure blessing and I’m grateful to and for every single person who has ever purchased anything from me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
Be Grateful, everybody!!!!
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