Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In the name of all that is holy, is a toilet configured in such a way as to make it as difficult as possible to clean?  Are all those concave and convex surfaces really necessary for the thing to work properly?  My guess is that a  woman-hating, sadistic-to-the-max, male designs them.


It is freezing outside...we have snow on the mountains...and there are still flies in my house???????


Does every single cell phone have a different sized/shaped charger?  Wouldn't it make more sense to make them all compatible?

Do said chargers have to be so blasted difficult to actually insert into the phone?


Is a stove top made of any material other than cast iron?  It's got to be the easiest to mess up and the hardest to clean thing in the house.  Well...except for toilets.


Do computers tell you you've performed an 'illegal operation.'  Just what does that mean?  And why doesn't it tell you that instead?

And while I'm at it.......


Are some of my readers suddenly unable to post any comments on SKaySpeak?

I am grateful to get all that off my chest.
I will be grateful if and when Blogspot fixes the 'comments' issue.

Whatever the problem was with comments seems to be cleared up.  And yes, I am grateful!


Dawn said...

and why does it always fall to the woman to clean said toilet? that's the real question LOL. i am grateful for the laughter today's SkaySpeak post induced - great way to start the day :-D

Sharon Kay said...

Yeh, Dawn. I should have/could have added one more question.

Why is it that women got desiginated to spend their entire lives cleaning up other people's body fluids?

I know...that's just gross...but it's pure truth! LOL

Louise Moran said...

While we're on the why of things; Who gave penis brains the idea that they could tell us angelic beings what to do?

Sharon Kay said...

LOL Louise! Now, be nice! ;)

Louise Moran said...

Whoa, Did it seem like I intimated that these dudes had two brains, no way, its two heads using one brain that is most always trying to push its way into dark forbidden places. LOL I love dumping on guys,its so much fun.

Sharon Kay said...

Let us remember to Be Grateful...even for the males of our species. LOL