I've slept most of the day today.
Our 'tax Angel' has taken away all those scary papers.
I ate an Almond Joy.
I haven't needed a Tylenol for my head/eye-achesince 3 a.m.
I believe my readers/friends will bear with me until I feel human again and my brain starts to work once more.
Our African Daisies are in full bloom!
I think it's been a good day.
I am grateful.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I got to thinking about Spring in Tucson.
I remembered this one.
I took this picture from my living room window.
I remembered this one.
I took this picture from my living room window.
Yep. That is definitely snow!
On Easter Sunday, 1999.
See the blooms on the Tombstone Roses?
Or are those snowflakes?
It's 82 degrees right now, as I am writing this. But apparently, we've got another cool snap coming on Thursday. The high is supposed to be about 66 with a low of 43.
It's supposed to be 87 tomorrow.
I found these old pictures, too. These were taken in June, 1983, in the Chiracahua Mountains, southeast of Tucson.
Stuck in the snow in Arizona in June!!!
Pretty soon, the TV weather forecasters will start taking bets, so to speak, on when we'll hit 100 for the first time this year.
When that happens, I think I'll just sit and look at these pictures.
In the studio.
With the ac unit on 'high.'
And paint pictures of snow.
Ya' do what ya' gotta do.
I'm grateful for April.
It helps us get ready for:
May, June, July, August, September and October.
Six months of summer.
I'll take that over six months of winter.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring is being such a 'tease' this year.
She suggests forthcoming delights and then turns her back and flounces away.
She is holding out.
I fully expected the Tombstone roses covering our back fence to be in full flower by now. Instead, most of the multitudinous buds remain closed up tight.
And, I fully expected my African daisies to be a solid mass of orange and yellow by now. As you can see, they're trying, but still, not quite there.
Here's my prediction about Spring.
She just stopped by for a quick visit this year and has no intention, whatsoever, of staying for a nice long while.
Instead, Summer is coming, earlier than usual.
With a vengeance, most likely.
Meanwhile, I am grateful for my warm winter robe.
She suggests forthcoming delights and then turns her back and flounces away.
She is holding out.
I fully expected the Tombstone roses covering our back fence to be in full flower by now. Instead, most of the multitudinous buds remain closed up tight.
And, I fully expected my African daisies to be a solid mass of orange and yellow by now. As you can see, they're trying, but still, not quite there.
Here's my prediction about Spring.
She just stopped by for a quick visit this year and has no intention, whatsoever, of staying for a nice long while.
Instead, Summer is coming, earlier than usual.
With a vengeance, most likely.
Meanwhile, I am grateful for my warm winter robe.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The birds, singing their little hearts out urge me to wake up!
"Wake up!
It's a glorious day!"
I make this promise to my bird friends.
I will not let even one glorious moment go unnoticed!
"Wake up!
It's a glorious day!"
I make this promise to my bird friends.
I will not let even one glorious moment go unnoticed!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I do that now and then.
I'm not sure why.
It's like a switch is thrown and off I go.
My joints hurt. My muscles hurt. My head hurts. My brain shuts down.
It used to happen more often.
But since I've learned the power of gratitude, it doesn't happen nearly so often anymore and it doesn't last as long.
Gratitude is good medicine.
It is the daily practice of gratitude that makes the difference, I think. Even when I'm in that fog, there are certain gratitudes that I feel automatically.
I'm here to tell you, I'm Grateful for Gratitude! Yes I am!
I am grateful to feel good.
I am grateful for the sunshine.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful for this good cup of coffee in my Be Grateful mug.
I am grateful for a day which holds infinite possibilities!
That's my first 5 for the day.
What are yours?
I'm not sure why.
It's like a switch is thrown and off I go.
My joints hurt. My muscles hurt. My head hurts. My brain shuts down.
It used to happen more often.
But since I've learned the power of gratitude, it doesn't happen nearly so often anymore and it doesn't last as long.
Gratitude is good medicine.
It is the daily practice of gratitude that makes the difference, I think. Even when I'm in that fog, there are certain gratitudes that I feel automatically.
I'm here to tell you, I'm Grateful for Gratitude! Yes I am!
I am grateful to feel good.
I am grateful for the sunshine.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful for this good cup of coffee in my Be Grateful mug.
I am grateful for a day which holds infinite possibilities!
That's my first 5 for the day.
What are yours?
Friday, March 26, 2010
And that's the truth.
I've tried to come up with something cheerful and inspiring to write for you today, but I just can't.
I'm achy all over and all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch mindless tv...and sleep.
Some days are like that, aren't they?
Maybe the most inspiring thing I can say is that maybe when we feel like that, the best thing to do, if it is at all possible, is to just give in to it all and check out for the day...and maybe even a couple of days.
So, there might not be much worth reading on here tomorrow either. But, I'll be back...eventually...hopefully with something worth your time.
Don't forget to Be Grateful!
I've tried to come up with something cheerful and inspiring to write for you today, but I just can't.
I'm achy all over and all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch mindless tv...and sleep.
Some days are like that, aren't they?
Maybe the most inspiring thing I can say is that maybe when we feel like that, the best thing to do, if it is at all possible, is to just give in to it all and check out for the day...and maybe even a couple of days.
So, there might not be much worth reading on here tomorrow either. But, I'll be back...eventually...hopefully with something worth your time.
Don't forget to Be Grateful!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sometimes, I forget to remember stuff.
Sometimes, I forget who I am.
Sometimes, I forget what I've learned.
Sometimes, I forget to be grateful.
That's when I need a little "Re-Minder."
Sometimes, I forget who I am.
Sometimes, I forget what I've learned.
Sometimes, I forget to be grateful.
That's when I need a little "Re-Minder."
Are meant to remind you
that when you change your mind,
you change your world.
Those words are written on the back of each one of my "Re-Minders" cards.
I am grateful to be "Re-Minded."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
As you might know, on Monday, I did not write a blog entry. Well, I did, but it was more of a temper tantrum or a balking mule kind of thing, than a real blog entry.
Here's what I did instead.
First, I painted one of my very favorite things....my chimenea.
Here's what I did instead.
First, I painted one of my very favorite things....my chimenea.
This was really fun and I was wanting me some fun!
It's a 16 x 20 canvas on which I had played one day with some bright red and iridescent gold paint. I allowed some of the gold to show through here and there...especially where I placed the flame.
I like it.
Then, I pulled weeds.
I have shown you my mass planting of African daisies. This is what they looked like yesterday morning.

All over Tucson, these are in full bloom. As you can see, mine are not. Mine are in shade for a large part of the day and African daisies are real sun-lovers....so they are a little slow to bloom in this particular spot. However, after everyone else's daisies have succumbed to the summer heat, mine are still blooming their pretty little heads off! So, it's a good trade-off.
You can see how thick they are. Interspersed among all the daisies is an abundance of weeds. Tiny ones, for the most part. Removing them from this planting is either an exercise in futility or a labor of love..however you choose to look at it.
It is rather like trying to single out every brown hair left on my grey head and removing it.
It is a very Zen-ish activity so it was a good way to clear my head of all the negativity I was feeling yesterday.
It is very hard on my out-of-shape body. I have to be very careful where I put my feet...or where I plop my big butt, or I will squash these sweet little daisies. There is a huge amount of stretching, bending and, God help my aching thighs, squatting.
We have all seeen those plywood cut-out yard decorations of the woman bending over with her big butt just sticking out like a........like a big butt!
I realized I have become that woman. The squatting must be kept to a minimum...or I will surely die.
Just look at this! And try to pick out only the weeds!
Here's one.
Truth be told, after all my weed-pulling it still looks about the same and I also know I will have to repeat this exercise in futility/labor of love every few days until those weeds are really under control.
And guess what?
It is raining again this morning..which, of course means MORE WEEDS!
But that's a gardener's life, isn't it?
Speaking of which.............
Do any of you gardeners recognize this plant?
My daughter-in-law once shared some day-lillies with me and these must have been mixed up with them. The lillies didn't make it...too much desert heat, I imagine...but these have flourished. I love the crisp white against the Spring green. They grow so easily that I am sure they are as common as weeds in some parts of the country but I haven't been able to find anyone here who knows what they are.
If you can tell me, I'd be so grateful.
And, I'm grateful that each day is a new beginning and I'm not stuck in 'yesterday.'
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!
I totally do NOT want to write this blog entry today!
Today, it seems like a responsibility instead of fun.
Today, I feel like a two year old being told that I HAVE to do something I don't want to do.
And I want to stomp my feet and yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the top of my lungs!!!!
For 151 days, I've made sure there was something to post, even if it was N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Man! That's over 5 months worth of blogging!
But, today, I have 'stuff' on my mind.
I have done something really incredibly unbelievable. I just flat spaced the fact that last December, my driver's license expired. That means a trip to the Motor Vehicle Department.
We have that census thing to do.
Well, that took about 60 seconds!
I have a painting to 'fix' for a customer.
Be ready for the outdoor market every weekend and the upcoming Holy Trinity Monastery spring event.
And the real biggie, which is........
What will I make for supper?
In short, I'm feeling a little stressed and I just need some breathing room, so, for today, the blog has to go!
You guys are my buddies, so I know you'll understand.
I'll try again tomorrow.
I am grateful for each and every one of you and I hope you have a mahvelous day, Darlings!
Til then........
Today, it seems like a responsibility instead of fun.
Today, I feel like a two year old being told that I HAVE to do something I don't want to do.
And I want to stomp my feet and yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the top of my lungs!!!!
For 151 days, I've made sure there was something to post, even if it was N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Man! That's over 5 months worth of blogging!
But, today, I have 'stuff' on my mind.
I have done something really incredibly unbelievable. I just flat spaced the fact that last December, my driver's license expired. That means a trip to the Motor Vehicle Department.
We have that census thing to do.
Well, that took about 60 seconds!
I have a painting to 'fix' for a customer.
Be ready for the outdoor market every weekend and the upcoming Holy Trinity Monastery spring event.
And the real biggie, which is........
What will I make for supper?
In short, I'm feeling a little stressed and I just need some breathing room, so, for today, the blog has to go!
You guys are my buddies, so I know you'll understand.
I'll try again tomorrow.
I am grateful for each and every one of you and I hope you have a mahvelous day, Darlings!
Til then........
Monday, March 22, 2010
I almost titled this post ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE.
Like, I almost, but not quite, got my NEVER ON SUNDAY posted on time. I sort of forgot to set a time for it, so it just sat there in my 'drafts' section. Whoops.
Back to the UFO, though...........
I got a pretty good picture of it.
Like, I almost, but not quite, got my NEVER ON SUNDAY posted on time. I sort of forgot to set a time for it, so it just sat there in my 'drafts' section. Whoops.
Back to the UFO, though...........
I got a pretty good picture of it.
It is an object.
It is flying.
And I have no idea what it is, so.......
That makes it, unequivocally, an unidentified flying object, doesn't it?
Our local Air Force Base, Davis-Monthan, had it's annual air show this weekend.
I saw lots of UFO's because I don't know the names of any of those airplanes.
I know they are loud.
I know that it sometimes scares the daylights outta me watching how closely together they fly in formation!
I tried and tried to get some pictures...especially for one of my sons who has a special interest in flying machines and could identify all of them for me if he were here.
As I have told you I only have an expensive point and shoot camera.
I almost, but not quite, got some.
Everywhere you looked, people were standing around staring into the sky trying to locate those planes! But by the time you found them, whoosh, they were gone off into the wild blue yonder!
I mean everybody was searching the skies...even the Thrashers.
I am so very grateful all of those planes made it through the show safely....and that none of them landed on my roof!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I am writing nothing today.
I told you I was writing 'nothing' today, and that's exactly what I did.
I told you I was writing 'nothing' today, and that's exactly what I did.
Friday, March 19, 2010
For the first time this year, I didn't have to put on my super warm robe when I got up! 'Course, I slept really late. I'm sure it was a tad chilly earlier in the morning.
For the first time this year, I could actually be having coffee, comfortably, on my patio. But I'm not. I'm sitting at this computer writing this here blog.
Spring doesn't officially begin until tomorrow, but guess what??????
SPRING IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!
I can tell. This time, she's here to stay, too. We might have a few more coolish nights, but I bet we won't see 60's again until next winter. HOORAY!!!!!!
Give me a few weeks and I'll be complaining because it's hot!
'Cause, that's just the way I am.
Ever since menopause....why don't they call it womenopause.....I have a severely restricted comfort range temperature-wise. I'm only happy when it's between 70 and oh.......85. Anything else, I gripe about.
But for now....I'm just GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!
And for now....I gotta cut this short and get busy. I'm doing that outdoor market both Friday and Saturday this weekend, so I've got lots and lots to do.
But before I go....here's proof of Spring!
For the first time this year, I could actually be having coffee, comfortably, on my patio. But I'm not. I'm sitting at this computer writing this here blog.
Spring doesn't officially begin until tomorrow, but guess what??????
SPRING IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!
I can tell. This time, she's here to stay, too. We might have a few more coolish nights, but I bet we won't see 60's again until next winter. HOORAY!!!!!!
Give me a few weeks and I'll be complaining because it's hot!
'Cause, that's just the way I am.
Ever since menopause....why don't they call it womenopause.....I have a severely restricted comfort range temperature-wise. I'm only happy when it's between 70 and oh.......85. Anything else, I gripe about.
But for now....I'm just GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!
And for now....I gotta cut this short and get busy. I'm doing that outdoor market both Friday and Saturday this weekend, so I've got lots and lots to do.
But before I go....here's proof of Spring!
Our first tiny Tombstone rose bloom of the season!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sometimes, my mind takes off to strange places when I'm sittin' and soakin' in the bathtub.
Last night, this is where it traveled.........
What is it that makes us 'feminine' or 'masculine.'
Besides the obvious, I mean.
I am probably one of the least 'feminine' women you could find.
I hate shopping....most especially for clothes.
I don't read romance novels.
I no longer wear any make up at all...can't be bothered.
I don't 'style' my hair...again...can't be bothered.
Don't wear jewelry.........
Cannot stand perfume!
I am totally a jeans and t-shirt, 'What Not To Wear' kind of gal.
I was the biggest tomboy when I was a kid. Whenever we'd play cowboys, I always wanted to be Roy Rogers...not Dale Evans. He had all the fun!
I could throw a softball farther than anyone..even boys...in my grade school.
I was happiest going with my dad drive into the Colorado Mountains to load sand, gravel and rocks to take home to build things from. Give me some wet cement to play in!
And yet, my very favorite toy...and I would have been horribly offended if you had called it that...was a baby doll. Not one of those pretty little Shirley Temple like froo-froo fluffy ones, but one which looked, I thought, exactly like a real live human baby.
If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you, "A mommy!"
Now, ask me what was the absolute most fun thing I've ever done in my life and my answer will be this.
"Having my two babies."
And I mean, literally, having them. As in Labor and Delivery!
I am dead serious about that. Of course, I must admit that if everybody's labor and delivery went as quickly and easily as mine, more women might say the same thing.
My first took a total of 6 hours.
The second...well.......I went to the hospital, not really sure I was in labor, at 8:25. He was born at 10:41.
I would have made a great brood mare.
My favorite tv shows are the ones which feature actual live births and deliveries! I always cry.
I also just love watching "What Not To Wear."
And "Say Yes To The Dress."
What's up with that?
Oh...and another thing I totally love is soaking in a nice warm bath with plenty of yummy soaps and lotions and potions. A candle and a glass of wine......those would be nice, too.
A few nights ago, in my bath, I got to thinking about the word, "Amen" and what it really means.
Of course, I grew up hearing it and saying it after prayers. We said it with a long 'a'...as in hay.
High-fallutin' people said it with an 'ah' sound.
Except when we said the Lord's Prayer. We suddenly became high-fallutin'.
When I was in high school, I was in an all-state choir directed by Jester Hairston.
He wrote the song "Amen"...which goes...
" A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men!"
Then, there's lots of short verses...each telling a story from the bible...but with the "A-a-ay mens "continuing all the while.
I'm sure you've heard it many times.
That was the theme song of one of my all-time favorite movies, LILLIES OF THE FIELD, starring Sidney Poitier (sigh) which was filmed right here in Tucson. If you haven't seen it, you should run right out and rent it. It is awesomely good. Poitier won the academy award for his performance...the first ever given to an African American actor.
Anyway...back to the word, "Amen."
Here's a link to some interesting information about the origins and uses of the word.
I guess, that for me, my bath is like being in a gently simmering stewpot of ideas. Once in a while, one bubbles up to the top and hangs around a while.
And then makes it onto this blog.
I am grateful to you for following my wandering mind.
Last night, this is where it traveled.........
What is it that makes us 'feminine' or 'masculine.'
Besides the obvious, I mean.
I am probably one of the least 'feminine' women you could find.
I hate shopping....most especially for clothes.
I don't read romance novels.
I no longer wear any make up at all...can't be bothered.
I don't 'style' my hair...again...can't be bothered.
Don't wear jewelry.........
Cannot stand perfume!
I am totally a jeans and t-shirt, 'What Not To Wear' kind of gal.
I was the biggest tomboy when I was a kid. Whenever we'd play cowboys, I always wanted to be Roy Rogers...not Dale Evans. He had all the fun!
I could throw a softball farther than anyone..even boys...in my grade school.
I was happiest going with my dad drive into the Colorado Mountains to load sand, gravel and rocks to take home to build things from. Give me some wet cement to play in!
And yet, my very favorite toy...and I would have been horribly offended if you had called it that...was a baby doll. Not one of those pretty little Shirley Temple like froo-froo fluffy ones, but one which looked, I thought, exactly like a real live human baby.
If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you, "A mommy!"
Now, ask me what was the absolute most fun thing I've ever done in my life and my answer will be this.
"Having my two babies."
And I mean, literally, having them. As in Labor and Delivery!
I am dead serious about that. Of course, I must admit that if everybody's labor and delivery went as quickly and easily as mine, more women might say the same thing.
My first took a total of 6 hours.
The second...well.......I went to the hospital, not really sure I was in labor, at 8:25. He was born at 10:41.
I would have made a great brood mare.
My favorite tv shows are the ones which feature actual live births and deliveries! I always cry.
I also just love watching "What Not To Wear."
And "Say Yes To The Dress."
What's up with that?
Oh...and another thing I totally love is soaking in a nice warm bath with plenty of yummy soaps and lotions and potions. A candle and a glass of wine......those would be nice, too.
A few nights ago, in my bath, I got to thinking about the word, "Amen" and what it really means.
Of course, I grew up hearing it and saying it after prayers. We said it with a long 'a'...as in hay.
High-fallutin' people said it with an 'ah' sound.
Except when we said the Lord's Prayer. We suddenly became high-fallutin'.
When I was in high school, I was in an all-state choir directed by Jester Hairston.
He wrote the song "Amen"...which goes...
" A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men!"
Then, there's lots of short verses...each telling a story from the bible...but with the "A-a-ay mens "continuing all the while.
I'm sure you've heard it many times.
That was the theme song of one of my all-time favorite movies, LILLIES OF THE FIELD, starring Sidney Poitier (sigh) which was filmed right here in Tucson. If you haven't seen it, you should run right out and rent it. It is awesomely good. Poitier won the academy award for his performance...the first ever given to an African American actor.
Anyway...back to the word, "Amen."
Here's a link to some interesting information about the origins and uses of the word.
I guess, that for me, my bath is like being in a gently simmering stewpot of ideas. Once in a while, one bubbles up to the top and hangs around a while.
And then makes it onto this blog.
I am grateful to you for following my wandering mind.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We try to do that, don't we?
At least, I do, with some regularity. It is, of course, a pure waste of tme and energy.
A wheel is a circle....a perfect shape...perfect for moving something from here to there....
perfect for holding something in place...perfect for lots of things, I imagine.
But, that's not really what I have on my mind right now.
What I'm thinking is this.
I am going to do, at least, a few more of those dadgum outdoor art/craft fairs. I've done many of them before...years ago...with better success back then.
(The word 'dadgum' is a perfectly good word, but it could be that you have to be a redneck to recognize its' value!)
Why was that?
I think it was because of the variety of things that I had for sale...and the variety of prices.
Maybe I should have another look at my 'wheel' and hopefully get things moving in the direction I wish them to go.
Besides my paintings, I think I need to provide a bit more variety with some things that could be given as gifts. In today's economy, I think people are not buying 'unneccessaries' for themselves...but for other people. And paintings can be very difficult to choose for someone else.
Back in the day, I painted on tiles and pots and all kinds of things that would make fun gifts. I think I need to do that again.
It's time to get this particular wheel out of the rut and headed in another direction.
Ruts are easy to stay in and hard to get out of.
I wonder just how many 'ruts' I'm in right now.
I wonder if I even want to know the answer to that. Sometimes, ruts can be as comfy as an old flannel shirt and serve us well, I suspect.
But, I am grateful for wheels.
Ruts do have their place.
But I am grateful that I CAN get out of one, if I so desire and if I am willing to put forth the effort....and take off in a whole new direction!
Desert scene....acrylic on 12" Mexican Saltillo tile
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I met him Sunday at the Tucson Book Festival.
And if I had known what a humongous crowd of people would be jostling elbow to elbow all over the U of A campus, I might have considered not going.
I am not a fan of big crowds.
However, I am a huge fan of Luis Alberto Urrea, so I probably would have not allowed any such consideration to spend much time in my brain.
I have lived in towns that are probably smaller in both size and population than the University of Arizona campus. I had to park miles and miles away from the event....uphill both ways! OK, I'm exaggerating....but by the end of the day, my feet felt as though I had to walk miles and miles to get back to my car. And then, I went to the wrong parking lot and could NOT find my car! It took much longer than I'd like to admit before it finally occurred to me that I still hadn't walked far enough to get to the right lot.
It was a little up in the air, to begin with, whether I was going to be able to locate the exact spot where Luis was going to be having a Q and A session 'cause this is a big, BIG event. Look!
Here's what's sad. Nearly all those booths...and that picture doesn't show the half of them, are filled with
How many books can tempt you to spend $$ you do NOT have to spend on books? Gazillions! That's how many!
These pictures were taken pretty early in the day when the hordes had not yet descended. Believe me, when I tell you, that by mid-day, it was elbow room only, all over the place!
I got distracted for a few minutes by this very talented young group of circus performers.
And these guys..........
But soon, I got down to the business at hand which was to be an absolutely star-struck attendee at Mr. Urrea's appearance.
After asking several volunteers for help, I found this wonderful man named Mike. He got on his walkie-talkie, talked to the powers that be and then took me in his chariot straight to where I needed and wanted to be!
Bye Sir Mike! And thank you, so much, for rescuing this damsel...errr....old lady....in distress!
Oh look!
C-Span is here! Well why not. Everybody else in Tucson is too, by the looks of it.
Having arrived at my destination with ample time to spare, I sat myself down and got into conversations with other Urrea lovers. I think the only thing I love talking about as much as painting is books and authors. So that was a real treat!
Right on time, Luis arrived and so began a most entertaining, enlightening and enjoyable hour. He is a great story-teller in person, as well as in his books. I don't think great writers are always really good oral story tellers, but he sure is.
I 'discovered' him about 6 months ago. I picked up his novel, INTO THE BEAUTIFUL NORTH and loved it so much that I promptly got on-line and reserved every one of his books at my local library. I read them all...one right after the other.
But, most importantly, he is a gifted story teller. Without that, his passion wouldn't have the same impact, I don't think.
I don't know which of his books is my favorite. All of them...... for different reasons....... is probably the only right answer.
But to make it really easy for you, here it is. Go there. Read.
Dig into his archives. Enjoy!
Well, fiddlesticks! Right now, his website is being completely changed and you will not be able to access his archives for another couple of weeks. Tell you what, I'll give you a heads up, when you can, and you can read more wonderful writing than you've got time to digest, I promise!
I remain so grateful for writers who have the 'gift' to rock my universe!
Luis Alberto Urrea has that gift...in abundance!
I met him Sunday at the Tucson Book Festival.
And if I had known what a humongous crowd of people would be jostling elbow to elbow all over the U of A campus, I might have considered not going.
I am not a fan of big crowds.
However, I am a huge fan of Luis Alberto Urrea, so I probably would have not allowed any such consideration to spend much time in my brain.
I have lived in towns that are probably smaller in both size and population than the University of Arizona campus. I had to park miles and miles away from the event....uphill both ways! OK, I'm exaggerating....but by the end of the day, my feet felt as though I had to walk miles and miles to get back to my car. And then, I went to the wrong parking lot and could NOT find my car! It took much longer than I'd like to admit before it finally occurred to me that I still hadn't walked far enough to get to the right lot.
It was a little up in the air, to begin with, whether I was going to be able to locate the exact spot where Luis was going to be having a Q and A session 'cause this is a big, BIG event. Look!
Here's what's sad. Nearly all those booths...and that picture doesn't show the half of them, are filled with
How many books can tempt you to spend $$ you do NOT have to spend on books? Gazillions! That's how many!
These pictures were taken pretty early in the day when the hordes had not yet descended. Believe me, when I tell you, that by mid-day, it was elbow room only, all over the place!
I got distracted for a few minutes by this very talented young group of circus performers.
And these guys..........
Check out that huge book-mobile!
But soon, I got down to the business at hand which was to be an absolutely star-struck attendee at Mr. Urrea's appearance.
After asking several volunteers for help, I found this wonderful man named Mike. He got on his walkie-talkie, talked to the powers that be and then took me in his chariot straight to where I needed and wanted to be!
Bye Sir Mike! And thank you, so much, for rescuing this damsel...errr....old lady....in distress!
Oh look!
C-Span is here! Well why not. Everybody else in Tucson is too, by the looks of it.
Having arrived at my destination with ample time to spare, I sat myself down and got into conversations with other Urrea lovers. I think the only thing I love talking about as much as painting is books and authors. So that was a real treat!
Right on time, Luis arrived and so began a most entertaining, enlightening and enjoyable hour. He is a great story-teller in person, as well as in his books. I don't think great writers are always really good oral story tellers, but he sure is.
I 'discovered' him about 6 months ago. I picked up his novel, INTO THE BEAUTIFUL NORTH and loved it so much that I promptly got on-line and reserved every one of his books at my local library. I read them all...one right after the other.
This man can rip your guts out in anquish and make you belly laugh...all in the same paragraph! He poetry is sublime. His passion about 'border' issues runs deep and regardless of your opinion about that topic, he has the capacity to give you a different way, perhaps, of looking at that issue.
But, most importantly, he is a gifted story teller. Without that, his passion wouldn't have the same impact, I don't think.
I don't know which of his books is my favorite. All of them...... for different reasons....... is probably the only right answer.
I waited around until the line for his book signing was almost gone. The one young man left in line also has the surname Urrea. Most likely, they are related...somewhere back in time. The young man is a writer. I offered to take his picture with Luis. I wanted to show you the picture, because it turned out so cute, but I never heard back from the young man with permission to use his photo on here. He had on sunglasses and I suggested he take them off. Luis prompty said, "Oh no! I'll put mine on, too and we'll be The Blues Brothers!" So he did. Maybe sometime I can show you that picture. Meanwhile, here's Luis Alberto Urreas AKA a 'Blues Brother.'
I hope I've made you a bit curious about him. If I have, why don't you have a look at his blog. I have the link to it right at the bottom of each and every one of my posts.
But to make it really easy for you, here it is. Go there. Read.
Dig into his archives. Enjoy!
Well, fiddlesticks! Right now, his website is being completely changed and you will not be able to access his archives for another couple of weeks. Tell you what, I'll give you a heads up, when you can, and you can read more wonderful writing than you've got time to digest, I promise!
I remain so grateful for writers who have the 'gift' to rock my universe!
Luis Alberto Urrea has that gift...in abundance!
Monday, March 15, 2010
After swearing I just wasn't going to do anymore outdoor art/craft markets, I caved-in and tried it again on Saturday.
I'll get all my moanin' and groanin' and whinin' and complainin' done first...and then we'll get onto the happy stuff.
The night before, I was awake at....
And the alarm went off at 5.
Ask me why the alarm was set for 5.
You will be waiting a very long time for an answer because there was no reason, at all, to do that! I must have had a temporary lapse into insanity when I made that particular decision. Well, I hope it was temporary.
Anyway.....draggin' my sorry self out of bed at 5 a.m. after the scant amount of sleep I'd had was NOT fun.
I admit that I totally and completely lost my attitude of gratitude. And it didn't come back for quite a while.
I was so well prepared that I had almost nothing to do to fill the two hours and forty-five minutes before it was time to go.
So, I drank lots of coffee and prayed that it wouldn't be too far to the bathroom I would surely be needing all morning....after all that coffee. (It turned out to be quite a trek!)
Finally, it was time to go and it was SO doggone cold!!! Only about 43. I do NOT like any number under 60 on the thermometer.
It took a long time to warm up, but when it did, it WARMED UP and I got sunburned and couldn't take off enough clothes to get comfortable.
See how I am?
OK...enough of that!
Usually, my set up is quite complicated, difficult and heavy and poor husband is called into service. In other words, there are two of us who are fussy, gripy, whine-y, etc. It isn't always fun.
This time, I determined to follow the K.I.S.S. principle so I could manage it all by myself.
Just like a big girl!
It was so easy! I was completely set up within probably 30 minutes! Usually, it takes a good hour and a half.
I didn't get a good picture of my set up or you could see that simple though it was, it looked pretty good.
I was set up way before show time. There was no reason at all for me to be there as early as I got there. Which meant there was no reason for me to leave as early as I did. Which meant there was, for sure, no earthly reason to get up at 5 dadgum o'clock in the cold, dark morning!
Oh well. Next time, I'll know.
Did I just say 'next time?'
I sure did.
Even though I didn't do well at all in the sales department, I believe I made a different kind of 'profit.'
After I re-located my attitude of gratitude, I had a ball!
I was out in the warm (eventually) sunshine all day.
I was out of my studio and into the great big world all day.
I was surrounded by fun, interesting, creative people all day.
I got to look at our still-snow topped mountains all day.
Remember last week when I wrote about rattlesnakes and was nice enough not to put a picture of one in that blog?
The very next day, I visited this market and guess what was there??
This guy has a harmless snake, in addition to a real, live rattlesnake (safely in a cage) which he uses to train dogs to avoid snakes. I did take a picture of the harmless snake and I might or I might not include it here. It depends on whether I'm feeling ornery or not when I actually post it.
Rattlesnake guy was there again yesterday, so there were lots and lots of canine critters in attendance. This one just stole my heart.
Isn't she gorgeous...and HUGE! She is half Husky, half wolf and whole beauty on four legs!
Another vendor is a husband/wife team who create these stunning and whimsical yard ornaments from re-cycled metals.
Check out these planters made from discarded hot water heaters! Mr. Vendor cuts them in half and does all the necessary welding, etc., and then Mrs. Vendor applies her very awesome painting talents and turns them into truly unique planters! Aren't they smart?
In the space next to mine, however, were two women who just made my day!
I want to be just like them.
They are NOT your typical little old ladies. They are Nan and Evelyn. They are, as they informed me when I rudely asked their ages....
"Over sixty-five and under one hundred."
And that was that!
They make these.
Aren't they scrumptious and delicious and don't you just want one for your very own garden?
Nan and Evelyn have been friends ever since they met when both had children in the same kindergarten class...over 50 years ago.
I love their silver hair.
I covet their silver hair.
Mine will never be that particularly beautiful shade of grey.
And I'm jealous!
I really love Nan's socks. They are multi-colored stripes...all my favorite colors...purple and fuchsia and orange and....I don't know what all.
She wore them with her bright red suede sneakers!
You go, Girl!
I swear, Nan and Evelyn made waking up at 5 dadgum o'clock in the cold, dark morning, totally worthwhile!
Alas, I have not one picture for this part.....
Last week, when I visited this market, I met Kathy. Kathy makes the most unusual and unique and stunningly beautiful little boxes...among other things. I have no idea how to describe them, so I will just have to make sure I get pictures of them next weekend.
Kathy and I hit it off, from the get-go.
I had a drawer full of 'junk' that I know I'll never use and that she could probably do something very clever with. (dangling participle alert!)
So, I called her and she came to get it and we talked and yakked and yakked and talked.
We thinks we will be good artsy/craftsy buddies.
Thinks? Yes, I meant to write it just like that.
We thinks we have much in common.
We thinks we might try to do some shows together.
Me thinks being with other creative types is a desire I have and it needs to be fulfilled. I still haven't gotten together with the lady I met in Michael's because she got sick right afterwards. Hopefully, that will still happen.
So, you see, I really have so much to feel grateful about.
And I surely do!
I'll get all my moanin' and groanin' and whinin' and complainin' done first...and then we'll get onto the happy stuff.
The night before, I was awake at....
And the alarm went off at 5.
Ask me why the alarm was set for 5.
You will be waiting a very long time for an answer because there was no reason, at all, to do that! I must have had a temporary lapse into insanity when I made that particular decision. Well, I hope it was temporary.
Anyway.....draggin' my sorry self out of bed at 5 a.m. after the scant amount of sleep I'd had was NOT fun.
I admit that I totally and completely lost my attitude of gratitude. And it didn't come back for quite a while.
I was so well prepared that I had almost nothing to do to fill the two hours and forty-five minutes before it was time to go.
So, I drank lots of coffee and prayed that it wouldn't be too far to the bathroom I would surely be needing all morning....after all that coffee. (It turned out to be quite a trek!)
Finally, it was time to go and it was SO doggone cold!!! Only about 43. I do NOT like any number under 60 on the thermometer.
It took a long time to warm up, but when it did, it WARMED UP and I got sunburned and couldn't take off enough clothes to get comfortable.
See how I am?
OK...enough of that!
Usually, my set up is quite complicated, difficult and heavy and poor husband is called into service. In other words, there are two of us who are fussy, gripy, whine-y, etc. It isn't always fun.
This time, I determined to follow the K.I.S.S. principle so I could manage it all by myself.
Just like a big girl!
It was so easy! I was completely set up within probably 30 minutes! Usually, it takes a good hour and a half.
I didn't get a good picture of my set up or you could see that simple though it was, it looked pretty good.
That blue canopy is to one side of me. All I had was the 4 grids displaying my paintings and two tables which are hidden by the disply with the green cloths.
I was set up way before show time. There was no reason at all for me to be there as early as I got there. Which meant there was no reason for me to leave as early as I did. Which meant there was, for sure, no earthly reason to get up at 5 dadgum o'clock in the cold, dark morning!
Oh well. Next time, I'll know.
Did I just say 'next time?'
I sure did.
Even though I didn't do well at all in the sales department, I believe I made a different kind of 'profit.'
After I re-located my attitude of gratitude, I had a ball!
I was out in the warm (eventually) sunshine all day.
I was out of my studio and into the great big world all day.
I was surrounded by fun, interesting, creative people all day.
I got to look at our still-snow topped mountains all day.
Remember last week when I wrote about rattlesnakes and was nice enough not to put a picture of one in that blog?
The very next day, I visited this market and guess what was there??
This guy has a harmless snake, in addition to a real, live rattlesnake (safely in a cage) which he uses to train dogs to avoid snakes. I did take a picture of the harmless snake and I might or I might not include it here. It depends on whether I'm feeling ornery or not when I actually post it.
Rattlesnake guy was there again yesterday, so there were lots and lots of canine critters in attendance. This one just stole my heart.
Isn't she gorgeous...and HUGE! She is half Husky, half wolf and whole beauty on four legs!
Another vendor is a husband/wife team who create these stunning and whimsical yard ornaments from re-cycled metals.
Check out these planters made from discarded hot water heaters! Mr. Vendor cuts them in half and does all the necessary welding, etc., and then Mrs. Vendor applies her very awesome painting talents and turns them into truly unique planters! Aren't they smart?
In the space next to mine, however, were two women who just made my day!
I want to be just like them.
They are NOT your typical little old ladies. They are Nan and Evelyn. They are, as they informed me when I rudely asked their ages....
"Over sixty-five and under one hundred."
And that was that!
They make these.
Aren't they scrumptious and delicious and don't you just want one for your very own garden?
Nan and Evelyn have been friends ever since they met when both had children in the same kindergarten class...over 50 years ago.
I love their silver hair.
I covet their silver hair.
Mine will never be that particularly beautiful shade of grey.
And I'm jealous!
I really love Nan's socks. They are multi-colored stripes...all my favorite colors...purple and fuchsia and orange and....I don't know what all.
She wore them with her bright red suede sneakers!
You go, Girl!
I swear, Nan and Evelyn made waking up at 5 dadgum o'clock in the cold, dark morning, totally worthwhile!
Alas, I have not one picture for this part.....
Last week, when I visited this market, I met Kathy. Kathy makes the most unusual and unique and stunningly beautiful little boxes...among other things. I have no idea how to describe them, so I will just have to make sure I get pictures of them next weekend.
Kathy and I hit it off, from the get-go.
I had a drawer full of 'junk' that I know I'll never use and that she could probably do something very clever with. (dangling participle alert!)
So, I called her and she came to get it and we talked and yakked and yakked and talked.
We thinks we will be good artsy/craftsy buddies.
Thinks? Yes, I meant to write it just like that.
We thinks we have much in common.
We thinks we might try to do some shows together.
Me thinks being with other creative types is a desire I have and it needs to be fulfilled. I still haven't gotten together with the lady I met in Michael's because she got sick right afterwards. Hopefully, that will still happen.
So, you see, I really have so much to feel grateful about.
And I surely do!
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