Monday, April 5, 2010


And sick.

A fellow blogspot blogger and occasional commenter on SKaySpeak, recently posted about yet another horrific incidence of violence toward a woman done, of course, by a man who 'loved' her.

This woman, was a woman, just barely.  She was 19.   She was the daughter of Cindy/artandsoul's good friends.  She was shot by her 19 year old boyfriend on March 27th.  She died on Good Friday.

Of all the travesties and tragedies in this world we live in, this on-going danger to women and children, from male human beings is the one that is the hardest for me to comprehend!

I am grateful for loving hearts, such as Cindy's.  For it is only from support of such friends, that vicitim's families could possibly take that long, hard walk to anything remotely resembling healing.


gini said...

My heart goes out to Cindy and her family friends, all.
The support of family and friends is crucial to educate the young people of today.. abuse has to be put in the light.. no more dark corners.
I am a survivor and always hold positive prayers.
Blessings to you all.

Dawn said...

i am holding Cindy and the Grosmaire family in my heart...and praying for the day to come when pain and sorrow is no longer inflicted in the name of love. Hugs~

Donna said...

Can't go there on this one Sharon and you know why....but God bless her and the family.

Free2bfree said...

Adding my love and prayers to the rest.

The one thing that seems needful is to talk with and teach our young people about the nature of domestic violence. Actually, we all could use reminders regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or social status! "We" need to shed light on all forms of such abuse and realize that it is allowed to continue and perpetuate under the guise of silence and shame.

Not recognizing the early stages of controlling behavior, remaining silent in hopes that it doesn't get worse, believing you can stop abuse by being a "better" person, and staying with an abuser once they have shown themselves as an abuser is putting one's life on the line.

Love shouldn't hurt. We need to teach this message in our homes, churches, and schools ... and we need to repeat these messages and lessons until we're blue in the face ... and then take a deep breath for another go 'round. Just as we have "maturation nights" at school, there should be regular times set aside to discuss the seemingly unmentionable. We need billboards, bulletin boards, and service announcements to help educate.

Speaking up and speaking out is vital. So many lives depend on us ending the need to feel ashamed. Shame and silence keeps the abused silent and lets the abuser continue their abusive behavior. Parents, friends, teachers, church leaders, EVERYONE needs to keep eyes and ears open to spot the tell-tale signs of abuse. We need to give the abused a safe place to talk and to tell "the truth" and then follow it up with support to make the necessary changes to be safe. May we all be a part of the change we hope to see.

Sharon Kay said...

What you wrote is so powerful that I hope everyone reads your comment.
Thank you for sharing these good words!

Debbie Brown said...

I am late in reading this about your friend's daughter. The death of those we love is heartbreakingly painful, but to have it happen through a violent act is indescribable. My deepest sympathies to all.

This family is in my heartfelt thoughts and prayers. May they travel this path knowing that this young woman's smile will arrive with the bright sunshine....may they see her gorgeous essence in every sunset....may they feel her gentle ways in the flutter of butterfly wings....and may (((Cindy and her family))) feel all the loving thoughts and prayers from those who truly care.
