Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I had this weird idea.

That isn't uncommon.

But what IS uncommon is that the next morning, these words came into my psyche.

"Act on the idea."

I will NOT be ignoring that.

Last time I ignored such a 'voice', I fell and shattered my wrist immediately afterward.

So, I'm putting together something pretty different for me.

I have had, for years, a collection of vintage kitchen cabinet doors. I've done all kinds of projects with them. My 'weird' idea will use another of these old doors. And some pieces of birthday gift wrap paper. And bubble wrap. And those glass 'rocks'. I have no idea what they are called but they are available in craft stores and come in all kinds of colors and they are shaped rather like peanuts....some are circles.

My weird piece is, apparently, about circles and other rounded shapes. I wonder how this will turn out.


This is how it turned out.

There's lots of shiny stuff on here so there's lots of glare for the camera to deal with.

It sorta looks like something you'd find in a frog pond, doesn't it?

My readers who were fellow participants in Oprah's on-line A NEW EARTH study will find much meaning in that.  The rest of you will possibly be left scratching your head.

Especially when I sign off thusly.


I am grateful for the beloved Frog Pond!


happycrone said...

RIBBIT! It is good to be green...

Anonymous said...

Ribbit back at you.

Louise said...

Froggies UNITE....Riibbbiiittt....Kerplunk

Debbie Brown said...

I spent more time there reading and "croaking up" :) at all of you, than I actually did flipping off my flip flops and jumping in head first. (I did a few times, tho) My heart has always been fond of the Pond where Froggies of all kinds dangled their toes, did the back stroke or floated on their lily pads. And even the ones who made the biggest KER-PLASHES!!!

Love your resourceful imagination in this painting and hopping on one of those shiny glass rocks. weeeee~~

Green, slimy, slippery Frog hugs to ALL!

Free2bfree said...

Love it, LUV IT, Skay!!!!! Wanna come paint my kitchen cabinets next??? LOL By the way, what a fun idea, Skay!

Like Debbie, I did waaaaaay more reading than posting at the blessed (and hilarious) Frog Pond in it's infancy, but as froggies started disappearing along with all the flies, I took to helping keep the waters well stirred. Which reminds me ... it's been way too long since I've gotten my froggy toes wet!

Keep up the great inspirations that you send out into the universe, Skay ... all the froggies and frog-lovin' friends sure need ya!

Love ya, LUV YA!!! ~*~ Karen :) free2bfree at ANE