Thursday, June 17, 2010


Sunday morning, I got out a small masonite panel and started playing with paint again, as I love to do.

This time, I squeezed paint directly onto the board and then moved it around with a broad palette knife.

It was fun to see what color combinations developed and what effects can be achieved.

What I ended up with was not at all satisfying to look at.  It's rather dark and foreboding...not in a artistic dramatic way...just


Trust me when I tell you that it looks better in the photo than it real life.  The blue is not so's almost black. does have potential to turn into something interesting, I think.

I am so grateful to have gotten to a place in my creative process where I don't consider it a 'bad' thing to 'waste' paint.  Paint is like money....To serve the highest needs to be spread around freely instead of with a miserly hand. 

Like joy. 

Like kindness. 

Like smiles.

Like love.

I send you all my kindest thoughts of love, accompanied by a joyful smile!  :)


Louise said...

Reminds me of Avatar (the movie) where the BIG corporation is trying to take over their Planet against their will.....sounds so familiar......Blessed Be

gini said...

I see the season of Fall.. I see a pumpkin trying to be born.. the fun is within it says..
How divine.. what a lesson.. nice.. (smile)

Debbie Brown said...

Jonah's view from inside the belly of the whale.
A dark place but necessary for him to see the light. ;)

My what big ribs the whale has! lol

Dawn said...

my first impression is that it's an ant's view of the sunset through a field of bluebonnets :-D

good thought about love and kindness and joy being spread around generously. my dad used to sing a song by Malvina Reynolds that went "Love is something - if you give it away, you end up having more." i was real little then but i've never forgotten that. Hugs, Dawn

Joan said...

Tis funny, sometimes things have to get to a destination before they change from dark and forboding...thanks to its arriving here, I see an "ants eye view" of a lovely blue garden with a path into an area lit by astoundingly beautiful golden light.

Sharon Kay said...

I love that you all 'saw' something in this! How very fun to read all your comments!