Saturday, July 10, 2010


I am in my annual pre-monsoon doldrums.

This is the one part of the year when I ask myself,

"Self, why in the hell do you live in Tucson?"

Self doesn't have enough energy to answer.

My major activity is to occasionally drag my over-heated body to the front yard to see what I can see to the south of us.

Then, to the back yard to check conditions there.

This looks promising.

Alas, it was nothing but empty promises.

Our house is 'cooled' by what is known as a 'swamp cooler.'  It works beautifully, untill the humidity reaches about 20% and then it is basically nothing more than a fan for your whole house. 

A not very effective fan.

So, we spend a lot of time here.

Occasionally, we will open our doors wide to catch even the smallest breeze.

Top:  Miss Daisy-yes, she has grown up!
Bottom:  Codi-yes, she finally accepted Miss Daisy.

The cats are demonstrating how I spend most of my time these days. 
Laying around.  (I know it's 'lying' around.  I'm from uneducated stock. That's how we talk.)
Doing nothing.
Becoming an expert on all things HGTV.

I want rain! 

A big, thunder-booming, lightening-flashing, downpour!

I want my street to be filled, curb-to-curb, by a veritable torrent of water!

I want to stop being jealous envious as all get out, when my friend e-mails me from Texas and says, "It's raining again...and it is so nice and cool!"


The studio has a real air conditioner!  I can make it darn near cold out here, if I wish.  The only thing is, it never really feels cold.  It is just less hot.  Partly, it's because when I paint, I am standing directly beneath a four foot shop light, which, of course, gives off  H.E.A.T.  

So, I don't even want to paint.

'BIG' is coming along.  I have made some major changes on it and have more to do, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. 

Or anything else, for that matter.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw this....way off in the distance.

I am going to take that as a promise that it WILL rain....eventually!

Meanwhile, I am trying to remember what THIS felt like!

I am grateful for HGTV.
I am grateful for my recliner.
I am grateful for our ice-maker.
I am grateful for the ice cream in the freezer.
I am grateful that eventually the rains will come....
I am grateful that eventually the humidity will go....
And once again, I will feel
Grateful to live in Tucson, Arizona!


Debbie Brown said...

When I send you a picture next winter of me freezing and shoveling way too much snow or being on lock down until Spring comes again THEN you will really be grateful you live in Tucson, Sharon! LMBO

Your kitties have the right idea.....lay on the cement floor. :)
OK...........I will shut up and do a rain dance for ya'!!!

BTW....beautiful pics! Oh and I saw a humongously huge nice frame at a sale today and thought of you & your BIG canvas! I wondered how I would ship it to you?....was it the right size?....or even how to get it into the car?....then home?...then shipped? oh well......just know that I thought of you today. lol

Donna said...

You will be pleased to hear that our Texas rain is gone for now and it is hot hot and the wind is blowing so as to do its darndest to dry us out again.....put you a waterfall in BIG and dream!!!!!!!!
Love you

gini said...

Ah.. you make me laugh.. and this is a good thing.
It is hot hot in Maine.. of all places.. I'm really tired of being held prisoner by the window AC.. I need to open the windows and doors and hear the birds and smell the grass.
So that's what I'm doing today.. yep. it is good. Rain dancing now.. Ya hoooooo... for you!!

Sharon Kay said...

Debbie...doggone it, I wish you could e-mail me that frame! LOL And yep, I'll be 'gloating' come winter. ;)
It's nice to be thought of!

Sharon Kay said...

Donna....but you were supposed to send your rain to me!!!! What's up with that? LOL
Love you, too.

Sharon Kay said...

Hey Gini girl!
I'm with you...much prefer open doors and windows to closed tight air conditioned rooms! I feel downright clautrophobic...imprisoned, just like you.
Dance on!