Thursday, April 1, 2010


I was channel surfing the other night and ran across a program about Bhutan.

Bhutan? Where's that? I've never heard of it.

I've learned that it is a tiny country, nestled in the Himalayans.

I've learned that it is primarily Buddhist.

I've learned that it has beautiful geography.

But the most amazing thing I learned is that the new, democratic government of this little spot on the planet actually tracks what they call GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS.

Believing that it is neither military nor financial power which determines the well-being of a people or a nation, this country seems to be all about achieving a high level of happiness in its' population.

What a concept!

They actually do a census to determine the 'happiness level' of Bhutanese people.

You can read about this unique concept and see the questionnaire used in the census here.

Bhutan is not a wealthy country. It isn't even very literate. And further internet research will reveal that there are numerous and very serious societal problems in the country.

Nevertheless, I am intrigued by the whole idea of Gross National Happiness and opposed to Gross National Product.

More and more, I am coming to believe that in each and every moment of our lives, we should be reaching for real wealth...and that is joy.

We should know what gives us true joy...and do it, as often as possible.

We should stop looking for happiness from another person and give it to our own selves.

My friend, Donna, recently watched a movie in which several couples were on a beautiful, tropical island. The women all wanted the men to take them to a particular waterfall. The men were interested in other pursuits and kept putting off the trip to the waterfall. Eventually, one of the women declared, "I'm taking my self to the waterfall!" Of course, then the other women went with her.

The truth is, that we all, eventually, have to take our own selves to the 'waterfall'.

Waiting for someone else to give us's gonna be a really long wait, I've learned.

We must make our own.

How do we do that?

I think it might have something to do with being grateful. When we are feeling grateful, we are feeling joy. When we are consciously grateful, we are more aware of beauty around us...which, of course, gives us joy. But also, I think it's important to know ourselves well enough to identify things which generate joy within us.

What can I do today to cause joy in my soul?

Let me be aware of what that might be.

Let me pursue it.

Let me be grateful for it.


gini said...

Beautiful skay.. Now it has been two times in two days that I've learned about GNH.
Now if I hear of it again that will make three and it becomes some sort of God whisper for me.
I am grateful for this post..
Making my own Garden
and bringing myself flowers!
This all reminds me of my favorite poem.. "With Every Goodbye WE Learn"
So possibly the 'good bye' here is to old
practices.. smile.
Loving and
JOY to you Skay and all others on this thread.

Donna said...

Well...for goodness sake. You get all sickyfied....recluse basically for a few days and then create this absolutely beautiful bouquet of loveliness for us to breathe into our spirit. Thank you my friend!!!

Dallas said...

So much truth in this! We have a choice to be happy or not. Sometimes we make the choice and reap the joy, but when we don't what a mess we make. I hate it when I do this. Hope you are feeling better! You are such a blessing! Love always, your cousin and friend

Sharon Kay said...

Wow...3 comments! Good morning, everyone.
Gini...I love that poem, too. have such a way with words!
Dallas....It's so great when relatives really are friends, too, isn't it?

I am feeling better.

Joy is good medicine. :)

Sharon Kay said...

Oh I forgot! Thank you, Donna, for giving me such good blog material! I love the waterfall story!

Donna said...

You are welcome and thank you. Some people have pictures of their family on their desk at work....thanks to your suggestion, I have a picture of a waterfall framed and sitting on my desk.

Dawn said...

today's post made me smile...partly at the idea of GNH but mostly because it made me think of a song my Dad used to sing to me and my sisters about a tiny country called Andorra that only spent $4.95 a year on their military budget (and that was for fireworks). such a wonderful memory! Hugs~Dawn

Sharon Kay said...

Dawn, let's all move to Andorra!!!! :)