Wednesday, August 29, 2018


This is me, at age 2...painted from one of those old-fashioned, hand-tinted photos.

If that child was hungry......I would give her nourishment.
If that child was thirsty.......I would give her a drink of water.
If that child was tired.........I would stop her activity.
If that child was sleepy.....I would put her to bed.
If that child was bored......I would entertain her.
If that child was anxious...I would soothe her.
If that child was afraid.......I would reassure her.
If that child was angry.......I would find out why.
If that child had physical pain.......I would give her the appropriate medicine at the appropriate time.
If that child had aching feet, from spending all day in worn out lip-flops, with no support.......I would put some good shoes on her feet.
If that child needed some time out in nature.......I would take her see beautiful things.
If that child needed to dance.......I would play her some music.
If that child was discouraged......I would encourage her.
If that child was feeling uncared for.......I would show her how much she is loved.
If that child was struggling to do something difficult......I would look for ways to help her suceed.
If that child did well........I would reward her.

That child is still me.

Why won't I do those things for myself?

The child that was you is still you.

Why won't you do those things for that child?

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