Monday, September 10, 2018


I've been thinking, this morning, about those pie charts.  If I made one for my life, what would it look like?  How would it be divided?

After some semi-serious thought, I decided on four sections:


The first is for those things that are necessary  in our daily lives....things like bothering to get dressed, washing dishes, grocery shopping, dusting, vaccuming, laundry, paying bills.....feeding the dadgum cats and cleaning up the dadgum cat hair!  Stuff like that.  Stuff that goes on a 'To-Do List.'
This will be the smallest piece of the pie chart.

The second is the oft ignored basic needs for physical health and energy.  At least, I oft ignore them.  Or, I used to.  Not so much these days.  These days, I have become so aware of my physical limitations and I am really ticked off about it!  There are things I want to do,  now that I am out of that horrible, long depression since my NEW DAY began, three weeks ago tonight.  I've always done pretty well in the healthy eating department but I did very badly when it came to any kind of regular physical exertion or exercise.  Use it or lose it.  I didn't.  I did.  I want it much as is possible.  It has become necessary to pay closer attention to my physical needs...starting with oxygen!  I'm already doing breathing exercises and they are helping.  I need to add some strength building exercises next and actually DO THEM!!!!!  So,this will be the next biggest piece of the pie chart.

The third and the fourth are quite similar and one blends into the other so beautifully, that maybe I should just consider them as one huge portion.

I have been spending a great deal of my time just sitting on my patio BEING.  And SEEING.  And HEARING.  I am acutely aware that this has become one of the most  important parts of my day!  It is so healing and restful and relaxing and restoring.  These days, I have some very specific music playing almost all day long...and for sure, all night long.  This music is......words is just magic! 

Writing my blog is feeding my spirit and my soul because to write it, I have to ask myself a question...and then I have to listen for the answer.  The asking is a prayer.  The waiting for an answer is meditation. The answer, when it comes, is magical....and turns into a 'spell'.....a 'spelling'....a gathering of words which appear in my journal and then, here, in my blog.

Painting, of course, has been, for years, the most Spiritual practice I had.  And Magic happens, sometimes, at that easel...when I am most fortunate. 

I am becoming aware that many of these things, from each list, can be transferred to another category....another piece of the pie.  Washing dishes can be a meditation and if you allow yourself to notice how the light plays with colors in the soap bubbles, it can be magical, too.  I am aware of how 'neatness  and order' in my surroundings has a great affect on my energy level.  I am aware that walking down the hall, to go get dressed, if done with a little dancin' thrown in, for good measure, can be part of the physical.  I am aware that deliberately taking a moment to do some gentle stretches can sometimes make little shivers of delightful relaxation course through my entire body.  That is surely magical!  Isn't it?

A wise woman once pointed out how difficult a thing balance is to achieve.  It requires enormous concentration and precise application of energy.  That just makes me tired to even think about.

I know that my pie chart won't be balanced into four equal parts.  Oh, NO!!!  At least three-quarters will be taken up by Spiritual and Magical.  A small sliver will be dedicated to the Practical.  What is left over will be labeled Physical.

I'll try this pie....and see if I like it. If I don't, I can always change the ingredients, can't I?

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