Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We've all been there, down in that dark valley where it seems that everything about life just sucks.....

when all we seem to be able to think about or talk about is our troubles, trials and tribulations.....

....when all we want to do is hide....and cry..........

We can choose to stay in that dark valley......

or we can decide to climb out of it, into the light.

Here's how.

Finish this sentence.

I am grateful for ________________.




And repeat some more....on a daily basis.

If you can't find something to be grateful for, let me make some suggestions.

You are breathing.

The earth is still spinning on its' axis.

The sun is still shining...whether or not you can see its' light at the moment.

You can taste your morning coffee and it is good.

You have food to eat and the ability to chew and swallow it.

You have a bed to sleep in at night.

Get the idea?

The truth is that even if it is only such simple things as these that you manage to be grateful for, IF you will write the words....begin with five times.....every day.....the strangest and most glorious thing happens. You will begin, very soon, to find even more things to be grateful for. Do this, faithfully, for a month or two and it will become a habit. Continue doing it and one day you will realize that your life has changed. You have come up out of that dark valley and you are standly firmly in the light!

I began this practice a couple of years ago. Since then, I've had some times which would have, in the past, put me fully into that 'life sucks' mode. Once in a while, I almost go there again....but my gratitude muscle is so strong now that I don't have to think about it....I just use it. It's almost as automatic as taking my next breath.

It was my experience which led me to write that little bit which appears ALWAYS on the home page of this blog. If I could give but one gift to anyone it would be that they learn to BE GRATEFUL!

I double dog dare you to try it!

You WILL be blessed.

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