Thursday, February 4, 2010


I worked on Lori’s big painting every day last week. It has lots of color in it, but doesn’t have a colorful look, at all. The overall look of it is green, but subdued green. It’s very soft and peaceful, intentionally.

Also, last week,  Tucson’s weather was unusually grey and dreary. Sun? What sun? Nothing but grey clouds, grey mountains, grey trees and grey moods.

So, one day, I took a color break!  Here's what I did...and what I wrote on that day.


One of the things I love about painting is the ability to actually ‘do’ something about the weather! If you don’t like the weather outside the window, you can just paint whatever weather you want! Is that not cool?

I feel cold. So, I painted me a hot sky!

It is wet, wet, wet!!! I 'm grateful, very grateful, for all the rain, but my bones want dry, dry, dry!!! So, I painted me a dry riverbed.

Everything is just so grey! So, I planted me some chartreuse trees. And who knows what else might wind up in here!

16 x 20 oil on canvas

I feel warmer, dryer and sunnier already.

Now, please, excuse me….I am going to go paint some more COLOR!

16 x 20 oil on canvas

ok...just one more....

9 x 12
oil on masonite

I am grateful for every opportunity I have to create my world the way I want it!


Dawn said...

i love to quilt with bright colored fabrics for the same reason. and when we're having the typical East Texas winter (chilly, gray and drippy, i know you remember that from your time in Lufkin) i have a pair of sun earrings that i wear. those earrings have a way of making it sunny in my soul.

i am grateful that you shared some of your paintings. i love that "hot sky"!

Sharon Kay said...

Color gets us every time, doesn't it Dawn! I love that 'hot sky' my own self! LOL Glad you liked it, too.

gini said...

Ah.. but you DO inspire me.. some deep craving inside of me was just stirred. I think it was to paint.. more.. I did one last week. was a dreamvision painting. something I dreamed. Now I know I can change the weather.. he he
What a concept.. mm good. thank you skay..

Sharon Kay said...

gini/gigi..I am happy to hear you are stirred to paint more. You gotta know I totally agree with that! I have never been able to execute a dreamed painting. I'm a little envious. LOL
You are very welcome.

Cindy said...

Love these!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!

Sharon Kay said...

Cindy, do you really like them? LOL
Sorry...couldn't resist that. I'm glad you do. But isn't all the Irish green equally as beautiful as my desert colors? I would love to visit Ireland. I'm looking forward to more of your blog entries on: