Saturday, February 20, 2010


Doing this blog is very much like doing my timed daily paintings.

I strive to get at the meat of the issue...or the quickly and efficiently as possible.

That means, I often write posts without giving them time to fully develop in my mind.  It's almost like free-association journaling.

So, I ask you to give me some allowance.  I might change my my perspective from time to time.

John Wayne said it best.  "Windage and elevation, Pilgrim."

In other words, your aim is determined by present conditions and perspective.  And we are all pilgrims in a land that is a new world, every single day of our lives.

Sometimes, I am going to miss the mark...completely.

I am no sage.  I have attained a modicum of wisdom, but surely am not even pretending to be any kind of guru....about painting, writing, photography or life.

Many would consider me and my life to be an example of complete failure.  So, for crying out loud, don't follow me!


If I can inspire even one of you to think deeper, look closer, fly higher, try harder,  trust more, love stronger, dance freer, open wider to all the influences of this magnificent world in which we live and allow all that to come out of you in some creative burst of beauty....well, doggone it, I can die happy!

But not, until I grow into a better painter.  A better photographer. A better writer.  A better person.

I am grateful that every day gives me the opportunity to do just that!

Life is all about changing and growing.

Life is!

I am so grateful for Life!


gini said...

WEll.. I am not an expert in anything.. but I am a lover of art. poetry,prose, thoughts, love, so I am addicted to this blog.. (smile)
It seems we all need a bit of pure love from time to time. This my friends, is my time.
I have been sheltered.. this is what I have learned.. Love is in the eyes of the beholder..
an old line. but when it
hits the heart then it hits the world in the eyes of the beholder. We only have to listen and look.. my heart is Big and with the beat of the universe.. this minute. (smile) Big..

Dallas said...

I love this; it is so inspiring. If everyone does just this what a change it would make.

Sharon Kay said...

Gini...Enjoy your 'my time!' My guess is it's about time! LOL

Sharon Kay said...

That is the truth. I wish I stayed in that frame of mind more often. But, alas, I don't. ;)