Friday, February 19, 2010


After three lengthy blog entries and another lengthy one coming on Monday, I am going to make this one very short.

First, there is this incredible work of art!

My oldest lives in East Texas, where they just had an incredible amount of snow...for them.
He, the 40+year old kid, apparently had a ball building this huge fishing snowman.
He informs me that the bottom 'ball' required nine laundry baskets full of the white stuff.

On, or about, this same time, said 40 +year old actually went fishing!  He's a die-hard, that's for sure.

He caught a 14 pound catfish.  Good going, Kiddo!!!


The other thing is this.

What's this, you ask?

This is just the coolest idea hubby recently had!

A one quart size ziplock bag fits perfectly inside a small Folger's coffee container.

And why is that so cool, you ask?

Because, when you open a can of tomatoes for making spaghetti sauce, only to discover it's a can of tomatoes and green chiles which would be really yucky in spaghetti sauce, you can pour it all into a ziplock bag and save it for making Spanish rice!

What's also very cool is that the big Folger's cannister is the absolute perfect size for the gallon size ziplock bags!

By folding the top of the bag down, you can easily pour the leftover spaghetti sauce-or any other messy liquid -into the bag without getting the zipper part all messy with food!

I'm sure there's a gadget available on the market that meets this purpose.  But I like this.  It works.
And it's free!

That's it, folks!

I'm going to go paint now!!!

I am very grateful for my husband's bright idea!


gini said...

So again I laugh right out loud this early in the morning.. the snowman? Is that his first snowman? I always roll my snowballs.. he he
and the coffee container? SWEET STUFF. Tell hubby he must patten his idea.. and quick.. now that it's on this blog.. yikes..
Happy painting..(smile)

Sharon Kay said...

Glad to give you a giggle, gini. :)