Monday, February 8, 2010


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”

I’ve heard that said.

I’ve been there and…..

I’ve done that.

Which is why, I’m going to do something different.

I might be pretty one-track minded, here on SKaySpeak for a while.

I have painting on my brain…..some very specific things about painting.

Mainly, the things that I’ve been doing over and over

and over and over

..until I’ve gotten in a rut. I get so frustrated with myself because I don’t get the results I want. Then, I get mad at myself. Then all the critics, which reside in my brain, have a field day with my self esteem. Bah!

The other day when I painted that lemon yellow tree in the forest, it was because I had ‘discovered’ a new yellow in my paint box. It’s been in there ever since I bought an entire box of oil paints at a swap meet…years ago. But I’d never used it.

My ‘go-to’ yellow is cadmium yellow. Just like my go-to blue is pthalo and so is my ‘go-to’ green. I could repeat that over and over for the reds and oranges and purples.

Are you getting the picture that all my pictures come out looking the same?


I’m not saying that my painting skills haven’t progressed any in the 15 years I’ve been painting, but I bet if I’d made a point of trying new colors, techniques and methods all along, I would have been a better painter today.

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

That only works if you try something different. Doing the same ol’ same ol’ is just gonna get you the same ol’ results.

I intend to break out of as many ruts as I can which is going to mean trying new colors.
It’s going to mean trying new techniques, too. I have a really hard time keeping myself from getting all caught up in the minutiae of a picture thereby losing the soul of the painting!

So, I am going to start doing some timed paintings. I am going to give myself one hour….max….to capture what it is in a scene that makes me want to paint it in the first place.

I started today in oils. But I’m going to work in acrylics starting tomorrow. They dry so fast that they force me to work faster.

I can’t believe it, but I’m going to show you what I do as I go along. Sometimes, it’s gonna be really B.A.D. But I’m gonna do it, ‘cause it’s a way of keeping me honest, so to speak. If I commit to showing and telling here on SKaySpeak, I’ll be more likely to really do the work.

Here’s the plan.

I found a photo I took in Monument Valley. It has some simple, but interesting elements.

 I am going to paint this every day for……I don’t know how long….maybe 3 or 4 days…maybe longer. The idea is to get the most impact into the painting with as few brush strokes as possible.

Then, I’ll repeat that process with some other photos and/or trees, etc., in my yard.

I need to learn to see what I see better. A tree is not a brown stick with a green cotton ball at the top. Right?

I need to get some of ya’ll painting along with me! We could help each other grow.

I’d be ever so grateful!


Dawn said...

i am very familiar with that saying. it's the one that inspired me to finally stop marrying "bad boys" LOL. have fun with your new colors and techniques.

of course a tree isn't just a brown stick with a green cotton ball on top. sometimes it's a black stick with a green triangle on top :~D

Anonymous said...

You make me want to get out the ol' paint so bad!!! I get giddy looking at all your posts :)
You will get through to me eventually - I just need a square inch of space first he he

thanks for the inspiration! :)


gini said...

ALRIGHTY THEN, I am a day late.. but with acylics I can catch up REALLY fast. :)
I'm off to find a beautiful picture I have taken.. will tape it to the easel.. will dig out a small canvas.. then my paints. and oh yes my favorite canning jar with water in it.. and then All my brushes. (even though I do have just a few I use most often) and then I'll try to find a nice space out of sunlight so I can see the real colors.. like my favorites.. cadmium yellow. Hookers green and Phthalo blue and of course my trusty paynes gray and Titanium white.Now I am all stirred again.. but there isn't time.. see Ya... wish me luck. Melissa will come too.. I know she will. just one hour. yep.. thank you skay!! love, gini ( I cannot find spell check

Sharon Kay said...

Dawn, made me laugh about the bad boys thing.
And yes, you're right about the black stick green triangle tree...done that, too. LOL

Sharon Kay said...

Melissa, I hope you get your square inch of space really soon! Need to get a bunch of you painting then we'll need to start our own facebook page so we can share pictures of all our art!

Sharon Kay said...

Gini...I've been mis-spellling pthalo..but oh well....
Doggone...wish I could see what you paint! See comment to Melissa re: facebook. Hmmmmm....

gini said...

oh dear... I don't compare to you and I suspect Melissa.. but I have a whole new outlook about painting and life and gratitude.
So we'll see about FB.. YIKES.. I say YIKES.
Pthalo? giggle.

Sharon Kay said...

Gini...comparing yourself to anyone else is an exercise in self destruction. DO NOT DO IT!
How do I know this? Guess! LOL
Just paint,gini dear. Just show up at the canvas!!!
I long to influence other people to follow their muse wherever it takes them. What you do..or what anyone else good enough! You hear me? GOOD ENOUGH!!!
I have perhaps found a soapbox...or a new blog topic! ;)