Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It's HOT!

It's that time of year, on the Sonoran Desert, when the heat and humidity are opressive.

We just had another go-round with a sewer back up which left us without a working toilet for two da_ _ days!

Combine those two facts and imagine what you will.

It was NOT a pretty picture!


I was watching some CNN coverage of current conditions in Haiti and my state of mind got adjusted.

I was watching tv in my 10' X 26' studio.

With an air conditioner.

With four solid walls.

With a faucet which gives me safe, fresh water whenever I want it.

With windows which let in the light.

With screens which keep the bugs out.

My studio....just those 260 square feet of space....would be pure luxury to any of the poor souls in this world who are living...every day...with none of those listed 'ammenities.'

Including a working toilet....EVER!

I am spoiled.


I have NOTHING to complain about!


I am



Louise said...

Hi Sharon....Heres a little ditty seened written on a wall, on the stairwell, where we lived when I was very, very young.......I cried because I had no shoes, then I saw a man who had no feet, this has stayed with me all my life

Sharon Kay said...

That's a good one, Louise. I have heard it, too.
I guess it's ok to get disgruntled, occasionally. But I don't like sitting on a pity-pot. It stinks! LOL

Dawn said...

yeah, my Dad used to say that to me, too, about the man with no feet. but i still have my disgruntled spells - i guess we all do. i take it your potty is fixed now?

Dawn said...

oh, and i don't want to hear anything about YOUR blessed humidity LOL. Hugs, Dawn

Sharon Kay said...

re: 1st comment:Yes, it's fixed.
re: 2nd comment: All righty then! LOL

Debbie Brown said...

(((Grateful for hearts filled with compassion and concern for others Sharon, Louise & Dawn. Grateful for feet and shoes that have the ability to run to the aid of those in Haiti.)))

Grateful your toilet is fixed. :)

Grateful mine wasn't broke. I don't like using the outhouse.....and I'm not good at squatting in the woods anymore (bad knees)....besides we don't live in the woods....and the neighbors might be offended by a full moon in my back yard....butt, then there's this one, grouchy, old, mean neighbor man that probably deserves.....well....


Grateful for imaginations and humor....and now,I will leave it at that. hahahaha
Too much sun on my blond head today me thinks. ;)

Sharon Kay said...

Debbie! This just made my day! LOL

Debbie Brown said...


gini said...

NO one ever knows what may be considered Grateful til we see the LIGHT..
I am so grateful for being able to SEE.. these days. Lots of stress and Media.. and LIFE..
I am grateful I can figure out which is which.hee hee
Breathing and know you all are in my circle of LOVE UNDERSTANDING and PEACE..
toilets?? OMG.. I never will take them for granted again.. .. humble bow here.. ox