Sunday, October 25, 2009

I love Tucson because.....

Courthouse Dome - Tucson, Arizona

It isn't always summertime...just 8 or 9 months of the year. Some days, it doesn't even get to 100 . Like today. Today is a wonderfully "cool" 84 degrees. But Tucson is always HOT! Tucson is always spicy! Above all, Tucson is always colorful!

There is a place, near downtown Tucson, called Barrio Viejo...which means, the old neighborhood. It was, long ago, one of the areas where lots of Tucson's Hispanic people lived. Nowadays, it's an eclectic mix of offices, homes and boarded up, run-down buildings.

I recently drove through many of the streets and

shot these photos right from the car. If you will note,

in the side-view mirror,

downtown Tucson is quite near-by.

This is a passionately purple wall near the Museum of Art.

This is a lovely little patio right down-town. Or maybe it's Margaritaville.

All of which might explain why I had no problem at all creating this extremely colorful patio at my house. " Why," you ask, "is the concrete floor painted pink?" Well...that's another story for another day.

Don't forget to BE GRATEFUL!

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