Thursday, April 8, 2010


Whoops...another one that I thought I had set to publish automatically.

Wednesday,  April 7th

I'm so excited!

My younger son will be here for supper in an hour or so!  I haven't seen him in quite a while and I can hardly wait to hug him.  And feed him.

He has a wife who feeds him quite well, but Mom gets that privelege tonight.

He's in Tucson for work, for a couple of weeks, so hopefully we will be able to get together several times while he's here.

This visit came as a surprise.  But for once, I am prepared because yesterday was grocery shopping day.  The menu is a pork roast cooked with potatos, onions and carrots...filling, delicious and super-easy.  And................

..........strawberry shortcake for dessert!

I was cutting up the strawberries earlier today and wishing they were a tad riper.  I should have known they'd be nothing like those sweet, red berries I picked and plopped straight into my mouth when I was a kid in Colorado.  No sugar was needed for those sun-ripened jewels.


All the proof you need that God exists!

A neighbor dropped by a few minutes ago bearing gifts...

Cherry tomatoes!

Oh My!

I am grateful for so much on this good day!


gini said...

Let me tell you... I know exactly the excitement you are feeling.. It's a love like no other.. Mother and her children..
I am so happy for you and do like your supper fixins.. :)
Cherry tomatoes.. YUMMY..
big hugs for you Skay..
happy evening and many more I'm sure...

Sharon Kay said...

You are so right, Gini. Mother-love...nothing like it! :)

Dawn said...

i am so happy for you Skay! enjoy every precious minute together...Hugs, Dawn