Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I went to bed early, knowing I needed to be up early this morning. I took an Aleve to make sure aching joints didn't wake me up. They didn't. But something did at midnight. And then I couldn't get back to sleep to save my life. Instead, I painted very weird and wonderful paintings in my head. One was called "Yes, We have no bananas!" One was of a very pregnant Mother Earth. One had streaks of silver and gold paint.

Finally, of course, I did go back to sleep and also, of course, I overslept. I grudgingly woke up, looked at the clock and leapt out of my nice warm bed. There was no time for teeth brushing, hair taming or even one cup of coffee. All I could do was throw on some clothes, including a hoodie to hide my hair...throw Miss Daisy in the carrier and GO!

The clinic is thankfully pretty close to my house, so I arrived in a thrice!


I got there fast.

The clinic was dark. Nobody was there. Am I at the wrong place I wonder? But I've been here before and I know this is the place I called for an appointment to get Daisy 'fixed.' And I know I was told to be here between 6 and 7 a.m. It is now almost 7 and I am the only one here!!!

What to do?

Another vehicle pulls into the parking lot. And then another....and another.....the staff and one other patient.

I get out of the car and get in line to be the first one in. They won't allow me inside yet. They have to get set up, turn on the lights, turn off the alarm system...all that stuff. It's cold. Eventually, I get back into the car and wait as patiently as I can.

Remember, this is early morning and I've barely had my 'bathroom break' so far today. I need another one. Darn it!
And some coffee!!!!!


Finally, the lights come on and the door is unlocked. I rush inside to fill out the paperwork and deposit Miss Daisy. I want to get in and out fast...because I look really scary! I want, so badly, to just hide my whole morning ugly self from the world, but I can't.


More and more patients are arriving and I am becoming more and more embarrassed and wishing, more than anything, that I could just disappear.

When a voice calls out "Daisy B", I thrust her carrier into the assitant's hands and hightail it outta there! Pronto!

In a thrice!


So, now I'm home. Drinking coffee. Blogging about the experience. Feeling snarky because those people told me to be there between 6:30 and 7:00 and they couldn't even bother to be there themselves! I am ticked. I grab the paper on which I wrote when I was on the phone with them making the appointment and see this.

"Arrive between 7 and 8 a.m."

I hate it when I'm wrong!

I am grateful that I seldom am.

OKOKOK....I'll clean that up.

I am often wrong and admit it graciously.

Nope...that won't work either.

I am wrong...a lot!

It makes me ever so much more grateful on the few occasions that I'm right.


Lori said...

Graciously? LOL :-)

Sharon Kay said...

I believe I ammended that statement, did I not? LOL

Dawn said...

you reminded me of the time that i was an hour early for work because i didn't realize that Arizona didn't do Daylight Savings time. boy did i get a ribbing! is it still that way?

Donna said...

I still cannot stop laughing over this one....the visual is priceless!!!!!

Sharon Kay said...

Yep, Dawn. Arizona doesn't do daylight savings time...but the Navajo Nation that part of Az does. How confusing is that! LOL

Sharon Kay said...

Donna...Gee thanks! LOL

Cindy said...

Gotta love it Sharon!! Hope your day ends up being wonderful :)

Shelly Streck said...

Oh my how funny...well to me, I'm sure not to you! Starting the day without coffee is not comforting at all. Especially for a coffee hound such as yourself.

Sharon Kay said...

Shelly, It wasn't funny at the time...but it is now. Of course, now, I'm chugging coffee!

Sharon Kay said...

Cindy, (artandsoul)
Well, I can't say the day turned out wonderful, but I did survive it...and so did Miss Daisy, so I guess we can call that a good day! ;)

gini said...

I do so love to laugh. I've missed coming here.
I don't know why I haven't been here. sometimes I just don't know anything. and this is a good day.. But I do love your writing. and your humor and you. Treasure comes to mind.

hmmm . that sounds like a 'story' ?? must have a story about treasures. love gigi

Sharon Kay said...

gini/gigi...glad you've come back for a visit. Sometimes I don't know anything either! LOL
I have done a post on some of my treasures...I think it is called 'Things I Love.' I'm glad you are having a good day. I hope you have lots more of them! :)