Friday, November 13, 2009


A couple of years ago, three books came into my life.

THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne


A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle

I began searching out and studying other books which teach things of a spiritual nature.
I found a common thread in all of them.

It was the concept of being consciously GRATEFUL.
Really ‘getting’ this’ concept has completely changed my life.

I’m not saying that my life circumstances have changed. I still live in the same little house. I still drive the same old car or my same old rough-looking pick up truck. (I love my truck!)
And I haven’t won the lottery….yet.

Actually, there have been a couple of circumstances that have changed. On the surface, they would certainly look like negative changes. My husband got laid off and has been unemployed for a very long time. I took a pretty hard fall and all but demolished my left wrist.

While reading A NEW EARTH, I began journaling again. I would sit each morning, sipping my coffee, in this very chair………

I would begin, usually, by writing down anything which came to mind for which I felt truly grateful. Some days were easier than others. Something else I wrote in my journal, daily were these three simple words.

The very act of writing them seemed to produce the feelings inside me. And then, I would be so very grateful for feeling those things.

As I went about my daily activities, I found that I was actually finding more things for which to be grateful. My little kitchen has no room for a dishwasher and dishwashing has never been my favorite thing to do. However, one day, when I was feeling disgruntled about dishwashing duty, I caught myself and started looking for something about the task to be grateful for. It wasn’t hard to find.

It was an abundance of good food to eat which produced these dirty dishes.

There is clean, safe,  hot and cold water which comes right out of the faucet.

I have able hands with which to wash these dishes.

And…oh my! Look at the diamond-like lights sparkling all over the place! How exquisitely beautiful!

I guarantee you that practicing that little exercise will change your life…moment by moment!
It was during this time that I was inspired to create this collage and make cards from it. I call these cards RE-MINDERS.

“Re-minders” are meant to remind you
that when you change your thoughts you change your world.

And then, I got the idea to have this made.

Since I am such a coffee hound in the morning, I am reminded, first thing every day, to BE GRATEFUL! I wouldn’t take anything for my coffee mug.

One of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in my life, possibly right after the birth of my two children, was when I fell and injured my wrist.

I fell from about six feet, I’d guess. The instant before I fell, the thought had come into my mind that I needed to be holding on to something. I blew it off. I have learned to pay more attention to those little thoughts. I believe they come from a Source which is trying to get you to listen to your gut! LOL

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground. When I looked at my arm, which had a strange ‘S’ shape, I knew it was broken. I am being absolutely honest when I tell you that the first thought that came into my mind immediately was “Thank God, it’s my left arm and not my right.” Then, I gave a shout to my husband who was unaware that I had fallen. As soon as he saw it the look on his face told me it was worse than I thought. I had a double compound fracture of the ulna and we learned later, the radius was completely shattered.

If I told you all the things which happened due to this accident, this would be a book instead of a blog. But I am here to say that I am absolutely GRATEFUL for each and every bit of it.
This whole Gospel of Gratitude has become my mission. I have become a preacher of gratitude! I don’t think I could ever have a more important or helpful message to share.

I am working on getting the mugs made for other people who might want them. I am working on getting some nice refrigerator magnets made….maybe some bookmarks. Who knows where this will lead? I certainly don’t.
But this I do know…for certain and for sure.

I am deeply GRATEFUL for being shown how to be consciously GRATEFUL.


Shelly Streck said...

Sharon, that was a very inspirational message. I really need it about right now. Suffering from low self esteem and a very grumpy husband right now. I needed this message and I think perhaps I should like to start a list of things to be grateful for and start changing the way I look at things!

Donna said...

An inspiring reminder that the 'attitude' of gratefulness in all circumstances gives you the peace and joy to endure whatever comes. Thanks Sharon.

Joan Cerio said...

Gratitude #1 - I am so glad you got past not wanting to do the dishes because I love this picture of the soap suds.

Gratitude #2 - your hint about pealing sweet peppers came in handy today - used a paring knife to slide along between the skin - easy and tasted so good.

Gratitude #3 - once I got off the couch raking leaves was fun and this time I made enough progress that I can actually picture this task as done someday.

Gratitude #4 - while raking I found a fresh crop of Comfrey leaves - have a friend they are headed for - may run them over to her today.

Gratitude #5 - you are excited about gratitude - it makes me less of a minority.

Joan Cerio said...

I love the collage you made of love peace and joy - such exuberance and delight of both words, shapes and colors

Dana said...

Sharon- Every night at dinner I ask my kids what the best part of their day was, and to name 2 things they are Grateful for. I think it is very important to instill as sense of Gratitude in children these days. So many of they seem to have this INFLATED sense of self-entitlement. It seems like kids now a days RARELY appreciate the common things in their lives, that we ADULS considered luxuries ! Am I the only one who had 1 tv in their entire house, and my dad got to say what was on it !!

Anyhoo, it's nice to know that an attitude of gratitude is important to you also !

Sharon Kay said...

Dana...I sure thought I'd answered your comment! So sorry.
I love what you're teaching your kids! Keep it up. :)