Friday, November 6, 2009


I’m having a wonderful time writing this blog!

Really! I am!!!

I also seem to be going a little bit nuts. Nearly every minute of the day…and night…. I’m wondering.......


My daily life is quite ordinary. Perhaps even dull.

I go to the grocery store, the library and the bank.

I do a very little cooking and housecleaning.

I watch tv. I read. I paint. And now, I blog.

So, what can I write about that’s actually interesting??????


That silent scream is usually accompanied by
abject panic!

PANIC and FEAR!!!!

And I can’t find the panic button anywhere. Actually, I’ve never seen a panic button. Someone should really invent one…if they haven’t already. But they probably have. As I said, I don’t get out much and panic buttons might be available in every mall in the country. Are they? If so, please let me know, ‘cause I really NEED one!

Back to the point at hand…

Yesterday, whilst having my typically uninteresting day, I hung some laundry on my clothesline. Did you know that in some neighborhoods clotheslines are not allowed? It’s against the neighborhood association rules. I don’t know about you, but I don’t even think I’d want to live in a place like that. I’m too ordinary. Too plain. Too low-class for such places. But, if you live in one of those neighborhoods, I apologize if I've offended you and want to say right now that if you’re happy to be there, I’m happy you’re there.

And I don’t even have a real clothesline. I have one of those retractable kind. They’re so handy if you only need a clothesline occasionally. I usually use the………

Uh…..back to the point at hand……..

What I did was…I took a picture of my clothesline with my comforter and a sheet and a pair of pillowcases hanging on it. (I should have turned my comforter to the pretty side!)  Why did I take that picture? One reason is because I like the way laundry hanging on a clothesline looks. I always have. Especially if there’s a good breeze and the clothes and towels and sheets and pillowcases are all flapping around like multi-colored flags. I admit, the colors are not all that exciting in this picture, but my sheets are light pink! What can I say. I do, however, kinda like the shadows.  And I like the spotlight affect I applied.

But you might prefer this.

Even more than I like the way they look….I like the way they smell! Make that I LOVE the way they smell!!!! The detergent or fabric softener that duplicates that sunny freshness hasn’t been made yet…regardless of what the commercials say.

At this point, I’m wondering if you’re wondering why on earth I have a photo of the laundry products aisle at my grocery store.

I will tell you .

It’s because of you.

It’s because of every single one of you who is reading this blog. I want you to keep coming back and I’m thinking that all the photos I put in here make it look more interesting…more informative…more fun. Am I right?

There have been times, while I was writing a blog entry, that I so wished to have an appropriate, interesting, informative or fun picture to go along with the words. And I didn’t. And that really thwarts my drive for perfection. Maybe it’s not about perfection. It’s probably more that I just want, what I want, when I want it! Rather like a spoiled child.

So, I have begun taking my camera with me virtually everywhere I go. Well, not exactly EVERYWHERE.

Have I mentioned that I love my digital camera?

A couple of days ago, I took it to my library. Obviously, I took some at my grocery store. Did I get some funny looks? You bet I did! Do I care? Not one whit! I figure someday, I’ll get into a conversation with someone about why I’m taking pictures-and voila! I will have fodder for a new blog entry and maybe even a new blog reader.

The point is……..

There is no such thing as dull, ordinary and uninteresting. There’s just a point of view. Changing the way we look at things changes the way things are. It’s possible that the ordinary could suddenly become quite lovely, the dull could become absolutely brilliant and the uninteresting could become the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen.

Therefore, if I someday run out of something to say here, it will only be because I fail to see the magic in every moment of every day.

If that happens, someone, please come give me a swift kick.

I will be ever so GRATEFUL!


Louise Moran said...

Here I am again your #1 fan. OH NO, not her. Yep me. Like gravy on rice. LOL But seriously, I have to have my daily dose of gratitude from SKaySpeak. Keep on keeping on.....Gratitude with Attitude...yup

Sharon Kay said...

Good Morning, Louise! I love imagining you reading my blog each morning. It just makes my heart happy!

Barbara Kleinhans said...

The first photo with the spotlight focus on the laundry is gorgeous sharon!

Sharon Kay said...

I really like that spotlight effect. It's just so dramatic! :)

Donna said...

Not surprising....only you could make drama out of sheets on a clothesline. I am amazed by what you say and show us thru your words and photos.

Shelly Streck said...

Well, I wish I had a clothesline. And, yes, pictures do make it more interesting! So, post all the pictures you want.

Nelda said...

Charon, believe it, I'm on. I think you did the right thing by hanging your comforter pretty side in, otherwise, the sun surely would fade it. I remember when I was about five, dad used to install clotheslines. He would weld the pipes together to form a "T". The pipes were painted silver and cemented securely in the ground. As a matter of fact my parents home still has theirs approximately 40+yrs. Last month when I was visiting them, I washed some curtains and hung them up on those clothesline that in my youth I used thousands of times. There is definately a methodology used to hang up clothes!