Thursday, December 10, 2009


It was a lovely November afternoon. And easy supper was in the crock pot. I was enjoying doing some leisurely writing for SKaySpeak…tying to ‘stockpile’ some entries. I was pleased with what I’d written. Hubby checked in on me and said it looked like I was having a really good time….relaxed and happy. And I was. He left me alone in my reverie.

He came back, fairly quickly, and asked this question.

"Did you know there is water backing up all over the bathroom?"


What I said, I will not write here, because I have committed to keeping this blog mostly free of my sometimes ‘colorful’ language.

Just use your most vivid and vile imagination.

Yes. I used that word. And that one, too. And possibly some you’ve never heard before.

Before I go any farther, let me assure you there will NOT be pictures of this interesting development in our day.

You’re welcome.

Hubby has now gone to the rental place for one of those industrial size drain snakes.

My plan is to stay as far removed as possible from the upcoming activities….and my husband’s mood, which I expect to be not real great. He was having a pretty good day, too.

Besides that, once that manly job is done, I will get to do the required cleaning.



It’s all done! And it wasn’t so horrible after all. It wasn’t any easier than that particularly nasty job usually is, but I do believe dear hubby and I possibly had a little different attitude toward it. And you know what I’ve said before, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. I think Wayne Dyer said that…but it might not be an exact quote.

Regardless, all systems are ‘go’.

The bathtub is sparkling.

So is the toilet…

and the sink….

and the floor....

and everything else in the bathroom.

Sanitized and Sparkling!

Maybe I should make the kitchen sink overflow.

No…I really didn’t say that! I didn’t mean it! I take it back!!!


toilet flushes down,
water making small whirlpools,
takes away all poo!

I am extremely GRATEFUL for a brand new jug of bleach!


Free2bfree said...

Been there and done THAT more times than I care to recall ... I feel y'er pain, Skay! LOL Living in a very small house for 30 years and having only a dingle solitary toilet, you get mighty well acquainted with it's plumbing. The difference between your story and mine is that we usually "find out" by discovering a flooded basement! I think that over the past 30 years, practically every inch of our basement has been "baptized" at one time or other, depending on the depth of the water and the amount of yuck that's come up through the floor drain before the flood is discovered!!! Ugh. A few years ago we even bought one of those commercial-sized super duper pooper roto rooter gizmos at the hardware store. That thing has so much power and torque behind it, the darned thing takes two people to operate it. 'Nuff said. Most everything in the basement is elevated off the floor. Perfect for when you have ankle-deep "water" on the ffloor. It's been a while since I've walked down those basement steps and been greeted with a "lovely surprise" ... so would everyone just do me a favor and knock on wood for me? What comes naturally has a way of coming back on me when it's the dead of winter ... and the thermometer outside says it's at or below zero! Heaven help me, please! Don't wanna hve to dust off the whirligig gizmo. Did I mention that I feel y'er pain, Skay? A long-distance (((HUG))) ~*~ Karen

Sharon Kay said...

It is NOT one of life's great little pleasures, is it! LOL
Stay warm up there, Karen.

Free2bfree said...

Thanks, Skay! Mother Nature sure has been in a hurry the last part of this year ... we've been having January-type weather and temps for about a month now. Autumn started in August. Perhaps Mother Nature is trying to make up for such a long winter at the start of 2009 and a month of continuous rain this last spring? I really hope she's in a hurry for spring! Brrrrrrr ...

Donna said...

Well poo-sniklerufin!!!!!!!!!!! Glad that problem is solved.

Sharon Kay said...

You and your made up words, Donna! That's a good one!

Donna said...

I would try to explain the meaning but it would become way too graphic for your blog. And I did not now you had roosters.

Sharon Kay said...

GIRLFRIEND! I certainly hope you don't think that photo was taken in my own yard! LOL The roosters and that toilet are both residents of the 'junkyard' in Jerome.

Joan said...

went looking for info with grandson about pelicans and how they actually get the fish from their pouch to their stomachs...

strange quirks in search results kept leading to the story of Cain and Able - and the line in Genesis 4:7 I apparently (like many others in the Bible's words) had never seen or heard -

again the message - gaining mastery and mental attitude - perhaps I needed extra help with that today - I am edgy enough it is likely I need all the help I can get with this today..Cain had big repercussions from not mastering his and at the moment I don't see myself as far behind him...yikes!

congratulations on sparkling clean bathroom and even bigger congratulations on gratitude attitudes to do laundry, and to bag up the things "waiting to be sorted" on my dining room table.

Donna said...

Now I am highly embarrassed...blush blush.........sorrrryyyyy
Thought maybe you had more going on at your home than we knew. Like Sanford and Son Inc.

Sharon Kay said...

Considering how often I talk about turning trash into treasure, I can see where you might have gotten that idea. LOL

Shelly said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing! YOU surely did use THAT word did you?! LOL

Sharon Kay said...

I did, indeed! And probably every other one you can think of! LOL