Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My paintings often have a mind of their own.

I think I'm painting one thing....but as I go along...something altogether different just seems to happen.

This is absolutely NOT how other people work, I don't think.  I see how precisely other people plan out a painting....doing  a careful drawing and then an underpainting, including all the components of the picture they intend to produce.  Sure, they might make some changes...some corrections...but they have a map, of sorts.  They know where they are going.

I'm sure I would benefit from following their good example.  I'm sure I would produce more paintings that are acceptable.

But, I would kind of miss the surprises that happen.

I would miss the things I learn, in spite of myself, by just letting the paint wind up where it wants to and how it wants to.  Bob Ross, rest his sweet soul, called them 'happy accidents.'

For example:

After I got my new supply of paints last week, this happened........

I had first put in a nice blue sky with a few wispy clouds...obviously a day-time scene.
But then, all kinds of vivid colors started appearing on those mountain peaks!
Wow!  That was fun! the sky has to be changed to more of a sunset kind of sky.

Lots of things have changed.

I didn't do color corrections on this photo..which explains why the sky looks absolutely turquoise in this.

Time for lunch.  And a nap.

I couldn't go to sleep, because I kept thinking about this painting and feeling really dissatisfied with it.

Suddenly I knew why.

Those mountains have a really loose feel to them.  The sky, uncomfortably, does not!  Also, the sunset colored clouds are fighting for attention with the mountains. It's just all too much.

I remember hearing a wise landscape painter say once that it is usually much better to attempt to paint the effects of sunset,  than to paint the sunset itself.

I gave  up trying to nap...went back to my easel.... totally re-did the sky.

And finished the painting.

16 X 20

I am so grateful for 'happy accidents.'


Donna said...

What a beautiful accident. As you know, I love what you do with colors.

Debbie Brown said...

Hi Sharon!
I came looking for some sunshine this morning and knew I would find some here~~Arizona style! Of course we all know that the sun always shines but it just so happens that in January in Indiana it is SO welcomed when it does!! It is by faith I see the sunshine anyway and feel the warmth on my face on these cloudy days here. So, I came here expecting and of course~~as always~~never disappointed when I come.

The "effects of the sunsets" that you paint are as warm and inviting as if the sun was out here today in all of it's amazing warmth and glory. So, for today I will walk in the sunshine and gaze at the sunsets through paintbrush faith ~~ Arizona style~~and be grateful that same sun will come out from hiding behind the clouds here in Indiana and add some color to our faces once again. Hurry Spring~~I miss you.

Thank you, Sharon for sharing your gifts!

Joan and Tristan said...

Tristan and I both liked the beginnings but LOVE the ending.

Tristan's comment just before I read the comments posted here, "It looks like it is raining."

When I was in Arizona, someone taught me to recognize rain falling from clouds in the distance...when I looked closer, could see cloud to left of the mountain where it could very well be dropping rain from itself. When I showed what I thought he might be seeing as rain, Tristan assured me it was not - that it was fog, because it was close to the ground of the mountain.



Sharon Kay said...

Donna, I know you are a color nut, like me, so I figured you would like this one! Glad you do.

Sharon Kay said...

Debbie, I am delighted to share my 'light'and our sunshine and warmth with you way up there in cold, cold Indiana!
I'm ready for Spring, too.

Sharon Kay said...

Joan and Tristan. Thank you, so much, for coming here and sharing your thoughts with us all. Tristan, I am just tickled pink to have such a young reader! I'm glad you come to visit. I posted those pictures of animals on the Grand Canyon entry, just for you. I want you to know that. Thanks, Grandma Joan for sharing Tristan with us. ;)

Free2bfree said...

I should just say "ditto" to what Debbie said, except change my location!!! LOL

This morning's rain gave way to glorious sunshine this afternoon. Now I have your beautiful "Sunset Peaks" to relish in case the rains return here before the setting sun does!

Now, as for painting styles ... I love yours! If I were a painter, it would be "happy accidents" the whole way!!! None of that "fussiness" for me. I'd wanna paint with those huge brushes like Bob Ross and get a painting done in one day, otherwise risk the chances of it never getting "done." ~wink~ For now, my heart is happy enjoying your paintings, Sharon.

Hmmmm ... I wonder how your "Sunset Peaks" would look on one of my walls .......

Love ya, Skay!!!!! ~*~ Karen

Sharon Kay said...

I'm thinking it would look mighty fine in your 'orange' know, the one that is going to be your sanctuary....some day! LOL

Dawn said...

i do the the same thing when i make quilts - they always surprise me as much as anyone else LOL. lots more fun than preplanning!