Friday, January 22, 2010


I'm seriously having one.

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I haven't posted a Miss Daisy update lately.

Miss Daisy is NOT my favorite feline at the moment.  And I'm not sure when she ever will be again.

She is still cute.  Hubby is enthralled by her.  Even Codi has accepted her, although Daisy's kittenish antics sometimes become too much for her to deal with. Codi is a really good snarler.

I am becoming one.  Or maybe I always have been good at snarling and I'm just doing it more often these days.

Anyway...the problem is this.

Miss Daisy sometimes, usually, often.....but, alas, not always...uses the litter box to pee.  Instead, she started peeing on my teal leather sofa.

I am NOT happy.

We gave it a thorough cleaning and then covered it with an old coverlet and a plastic drop cloth to protect it.

 The look does absolutely nothing for my decor. 

Just walking through the living room and seeing that plastic encased sofa ticks me off....BIG TIME!

If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

In the meantime, Miss Daisy continues to grow by leaps and bounds...

and to sleep....a lot!

I am trying really hard to Be Grateful.


Joan said...

Oh yuck, Miss Daisy, there has got to be a better way to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish.

Donna said...

Maybe it is an attention seeking tactic. LOL.....poor Daisy....poor Sharon

Debbie Brown said...

I have heard that cats do not like cayenne pepper. I don't have any facts about that but maybe a sachet or two of cayenne pepper tucked around the cushions might persuade her to head for the litter pan. It's worth a try and won't be an eyesore for you.
Good Luck my friend!

Sharon Kay said...

Joan, you are so right with your 'Yuck!' I concur!
Donna...poor Daisy?....arghhh!
Debbie...I'll add that to my arsenal...thanks.

Free2bfree said...

I was just wondering how your furry kids were getting along!!! LOL

Ohhhh ... I feel your pain and hear your snarl, Sharon! You've got a turf war going on. Now that Miss Daisy isn't so cute, even Codi is going to be less tolerant. And, turf wars usually carry over to the litter box. Sometimes it requires separate litter boxes to keep the peace. Of course, the last time I did that, one of the furry kids tried to "claim" both. Aaaargh.

Miss Daisy is also trying to make her claim for your sofa in the most clear way she knows how ... by peeing on it!!!!! Ohhhh ... I feel your pain, for sure!!! There are spray repellents you can buy at the pet store, but I personally found them intolerable as well. By the way, has Miss Daisy been spayed? Unsterilized cats are so much more likely to wanna mark their territory. I also hate to mention it, but some cats are nearly impossible to break of the habit once it starts.

I've had a turf war going on between my two furry kids for the past two years. Ol' Blue absolutely refuses to make friends. After two years, it's clear it will never happen. I bought a new sofa and loveseat for the living room six weeks ago and wanted them "cat fur free." I've now upped the anty in the turf war. Foil, ground up orange peels, and pepper are a few things you can try. I've had mixed results with those over the years with my cats.

I recently heard of using balloons and mouse traps. Last week I bought mouse traps for the first time in my life. Yesterday I started my experiment with those mouse traps with plans to buy some balloons this weekend. I was told to set the traps off a few times with the cat(s) watching and then to put the traps on the edge of the cushions where they can see them from their vantage point on the floor. So far so good, but it's only been 24 hours. The balloon ploy is supposed to work much the same way. You set balloons on the furniture and pop a few with the cat(s) there to see it. Hopefully, just seeing the balloons and mouse traps on the furniture should strike fear in them to be enough of a deterrent. Their fear response in time should "condition" them to want to avoid the furniture all together. I'll keep you posted with the results.

Catch ya later! ~*~ Karen