Saturday, January 16, 2010


Whenever such a natural disaster strikes, I like many others, begin contemplating this question.

"If God is Love, then how does God allow such pain and tragedy?"

I'll tell you what I think might be the answer.

Maybe it actually isn't the answer to the question...just an idea about a different way of looking at things that might create a different question altogether.

I think us humans have a much inflated sense of our own importance in the totality of the Universe.

After all, according to most creation stories, we humans were the last to be created.  Not the first, but the last. 

Here's a couple of questions to add to the mix.

What would happen to the planet..and to the beings living on it....if any of these things suddenly disappeared.


Of course, the first two sustain all life, so we'd pretty much be up the proverbial creek, as a planet, without those two things.  Except, of course, there would be no creek anywhere to be 'up.'

 How would we grow food without soil?  What would land animals eat?  There would be little plant life. Of course, soil would pretty much be worthless for growing anything without water anyway, wouldn't it.

Leave the dirt, but take away the trees.  That would have a pretty negative impact, too, before very long.

Bees are darned important in the food chain.  If they all flew to Mars, or something, again, we'd be in a world of hurt.

Now, ask another question.

What would happen to our planet if suddenly all humans disappeared?

That should make you think some. 

It sure startled my mind a bit, when I first had the thought.

Because the answer is "Nothing bad." 

Not 'nothing.' 

Just 'nothing bad.'

Our planet would be in much better shape if we didn't exist.

Isn't that a crying shame!

A wonderful Cherokee poet and essayist, Marilou Awiakta, wrote this poem.

When Earth Becomes an "It"

When the people call Earth "Mother,"

they take with love

and with love give back

so that all may live.

When the people call Earth "it,"

they use her

consume her strength.

Then the people die.

Already the sun is hot

out of season.

Our Mother's breast

is going dry.

She is taking all green

into her heart

and will not turn back

until we call her

by her name.

For more information about Marilou, go to:

I'm in no way suggesting that monumental events like this earthquake..or the tsunami  of last year..or the recent massively destructive hurricanes...are Mother Earth...or God.... taking retribution...punishing humans...for our treatment of our planet. 

What I am suggesting is that earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and tsunamis are all part of the original order of the physical laws of the universe.  Human Beings are not above those laws. 

And so, when we humans make our homes on faultlines and seashores  such events should be expected and none should go about beating their breasts demanding to know why they have been forsaken by God.  It is just the physical laws of cause and effect  happening.  Nothing personal.

Does this mean I am not feeling anguished beyond belief for the pain and suffering I know people are going through?  Absolutely not.  However, every moment of every day, somewhere, someone is going through similar pain and suffering and we don't often get all emotionally involved in those smaller numbers of hurting  people, do we?  Maybe we should.

Also, it seems to me, that our Mother Earth, has been crying in pain and anguish...and pleading for our help....for a very long time....much like those poor, hurting victims in Haiti.

Let us help one another....and also, let us help Mother Earth to heal...instead of continuing to hurt her.

I am Grateful for our Mother. 

I am praying for the people of Haiti. And I sent money.  I hope you do the same.


Shelly said...

That was marvelous Sharon. I also believe without pain, there is no joy. This is NOT to belittle ANYONE's suffering at all. I just think that if we never had pain in our lives, then how can we truly appreciate the feeling of joy and happiness. XOXO to you!

Lori said...

Mother Earth ... I honour Thee

Dawn said...

there's nothing like a natural disaster to make you feel small...i vividly remember watching trees snap off in my front yard during Hurricane Rita. we do need to respect our Mother, as you say our very lives depend on her. i sent money, too. we are all connected and when my brothers and sisters hurt so do i.

Sharon Kay said...

Thank you all for your comments.
Shelly, I completely agree with you.
Lori,I join you in honoring Our Mother.
Dawn, I am so happy that you know how we are all connected. That is TRUTH!

Free2bfree said...

It is at times such as this that I am reminded of what is most important in life ... love, family, friends, compassion, service. I'm also reminded of those who are part of my larger earthly famiy, for what affects one affects us all. Thank you for your beautiful post, Sharon.

Sending my love, prayers, and support to those in need ... and also to those earthly angels who are so willing to drop everything to help another.

With love, and hope for a better tomorrow ~*~ Karen

(((Hugs for Haiti))) ~*~ Karen

Sharon Kay said...

Karen, I like your (((Hugs for Haiti))) and I'm so glad to see you back here! (((Hugs))) to you, too!

Sharon Kay said...

Dawn...and we are all brothers and sisters, aren't we? I'm so blessed to know you all who 'get' this.