Wednesday, January 27, 2010


For some reason, I keep thinking of the word ‘balance’ and how important it is to have some in our lives.

I’ve written down these first few words.

I’ll have to let it stew around in my head a little longer to see where this leads.


I wrote the above several weeks ago. So, the stew has been simmering in my head for quite a while now.

Unfortunately, the thought has produced little, if any, results. I struggle with balance. Always have. I have a tendency to go overboard…to go to extremes…to be manically obsessed with one thing or another.

When I’m painting, I want to paint. That’s all.

When I’m writing, I get completely lost in the words.

When I’m reading, I read one book right after another.

When I’m cleaning, I want EVERYTHING cleaned TODAY!

That’s pretty much my pattern about anything and everything you could name.

That means I’m either creating something or cleaning up something. I am never maintaining anything. I’m just not into maintenance. Or the mundane. Like paying bills. Or dusting. Or doing quick pick ups that would make the house more orderly.

There has only been one time in my life that I was a good housekeeper. And I wasn’t just good…I was darn near perfect! Yes! Me….really.

The only thing is that I was doing it because I was desperately trying to create some portion of my life over which I felt I had some control. That is NOT a good reason to clean house.

I admire and envy people who seem to be able to parcel out hours of their day for different purposes. I just don’t know how they do it. And perhaps, truthfully, I don’t want to know how they do it. I suspect it requires some self-discipline. And restraint. Yuck.

Wouldn't that mean that at a given time, I would have to put down my paintbrush...regardless of what wonderful effects it was producing?

And wouldn't I have to stop a flow of words from spilling out at my fingertips when I am working on a blog entry or a poem?

That is just not something I think I want to do.

My mother taught me...or tried do the maintenance first...before beginning the fun stuff.  My problem with that is that my creative juices run the free-est (I know that's not a word.  Ask me if I care.) and the freshest  first thing in the morning.  Doing the mundane takes my best energy and turns it into nothing more inspiring than an orderly house.  Giving my all to creative endeavors often tires me out before I can get to the mundane.  It's a dilemma.

I watched  my mom sacrifice her creativity to the god of house cleaing.  You know...that whole 'cleanliness is next to Godliness' thing.  That and for crying out loud don't let somebody drop in and catch you with your housework not done- 'cause whatwilltheythink?  And what 'they' thought was REALLY important!

I had a relative who was known to be a very bad housekeeper.  She was much looked down on in the family.  I know nothing about that person except that she wasn't a good housekeeper.  I'm sure the woman had other qualities besides being a bad housekeeper.  As I was growing up, I was 'threatened' with this admonishment whenever I didn't keep my room clean enough.  "If you're not careful, you'll grow up to be just like _____!"  Apparently, that was about the worst possible outcome for my life!

I don't buy the 'cleanliness is next to godliness' idea.  And I would much rather be remembered for something other than my housekeeping abilities...or lack of them.  However, I admit I do care what 'they' think and I am not happy when someone drops in on me.  I want to make the house 'presentable' before I have company. 

 I imagine that I will continue with this lack of balance in my life. I suspect that I will paint and read and write while everything around me goes to hell in a hand basket. And then, once every week or so, I’ll turn into a cleaning machine and stay in that mode until I’ve restored order.

And then……….

I’ll start making more messes.

I am grateful that I am at a time in my life when I am free to be as un-balanced as I want!
Unbalanced, yes, but at least I'm not senile.  Yet.


HappyCrone said...

sooooooo, are you sure you aren't really a Libra? Obsessive/compulsive, striving for balance and straight fringe on the throw rugs!!!

Sharon Kay said...

I'm sure, HC! I could care less about the fringe on the throw rug...but my spices are in alphabetical order! LOL
I'm Sagittarius...all the way!
And I have this bathrobe that I love...but it irks me that it doesn't 'match' my bedroom. And those cat toys....I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't totally clash with my decor. I'm just nutso...that's all there is to it!

Lori said...

Amen to the Nutso ... :-)

Sharon Kay said...

I'm neither surprised nor offended by your 'Amen', Lori. ;)

Cindy said...

Hi Sharon - good day to you from windy, chilly Ireland! I just had a big dinner, too big to just come back and lie down and go to sleep so I decided to check on some of my favorite people! lovely! :) AND difficult! I know that I often thought of balance as that place of rest.... ah, I have a bit of this and a bit of that and all in moderation.

However, once when my kids were little I watched two of them trying to balance on a seesaw. And it was hard. Because "balance" is the ultimate tension! It's not rest. It's not restful! It takes a lot of work.

Once that dawned on me I stopped asking for more of it!! LOL! But seriously, I now recognize that when I have balance in my life I have to work hard, and it feels like work. I have to drag my eyes off of this to look at that. I have to stop cleaning that to cook this. I have to say goodbye to this child to talk to that one.

Balance. It's a good thing.

Rest. Now that's also a good thing! Rest is not just lying on the sofa! Rest is also falling completely into the paint. Or the TV show. Or the book. Or the wonderful meal. And staying with it till everything settles into the 'aaahhhh.'

So I do ask for more rest sometimes! :)

And I wish some for you as well!

Sharon Kay said...

artandsoul, How exciting! I'm jumping up and down waving madly hoping you can see me way across the pond! Ireland! How very wonderful!!

You have made such a good and wise point about balance being such an effort. I will remember that and seek more rest, instead.

Here's hoping you are having a splendid time!

Debbie Brown said...

Hi Sharon and all Loving Souls here!

Personally, I think you are perfectly balanced and it shows in your paintings and writings on what your real purpose is on this earth.

Delete that "Cleanliness is next to godliness" thing that some poor soul made up years ago to justify her or his obsession with the smell of amonia, bleach or pinesol. May they rest in peace and hopefully they learned how to play in the dirt before they parted. ;)

Anyone who comes to your home is surely your friend and knows that if things aren't in the exact order on the housekeeping front~~~then all they have to do is follow the paint smudges and find Sharon's world balanced perfectly on canvas~~~or read your blog that helps us all maintain perfect balance in our heart and lives.

See me twirling round and round and while I do a little dust may twirl with me~~~and it's magical. (some of Karen's fairy dust~me thinks)

And if all that makes no sense then a true friend will grab your mop while you grab your paintbrush! I know I would! :) Because I am a Virgo~~~YIKES! LMBO

Where do you keep your mop? ~giggle~

Sharon Kay said...

Ah, Debbie. It's not my friends that have the problem with the way my house looks. It's me. I still have vestiges of that whatwilltheything demon hiding out deep in my psyche! LOL

I will be happy to show you where I keep my mop! ;)

I have a designated friend who has promised that when I croak, she will come make sure my house is not horrible before ANYONE is allowed in. Bless her! LOL

Dawn said...

years ago, i left the dishes undone (again!) to crunch through piles of autumn leaves with my son. he looked at me and said, "You know, we could have a perfectly clean house if we wanted to. it's just that we have so many more important things to do, like this!" kids are so wise.

Debbie Brown said...

OH Sharon...Got it! The "what will they think" people! I don't like them. yuk.

I need to sharpen my "reading skills". lol.

And what a great friend you have standing by in case you croak and your house isn't spotless. BUT no croaking here~~~save that for the frog pond. ~giggle~

Sweet dreams all!