Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here’s a little story I want to share with you all. This happened several years ago. It shows how we are all connected in a very real way!

One day, I was browsing through the library with no idea what I was looking for.

A little book just jumped off the shelf and into my hands....

Well….. not really...but you know what I mean.

I took it home...started reading it and knew almost immediately that it was going to change my life.

I got on-line and dug and dug till I was able to find the author's home phone number.

I felt possessed. 

I felt like a stalker or something.

But I was just DRIVEN to call her. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a strong feeling to do something in my entire life.

So, I called her and was leaving a clumsy, stumbling message on her answering machine, trying to tell her how much her book was affecting me…when she picked up the phone.

She said she was just coming in with an armload of groceries and couldn’t get to the phone any sooner.

Here's this person who has just changed my whole life and she's carrying groceries in from the car?  That somehow just did not seem right to me.  Surely she wasn't living the regular life of a regular person, was she?

I told her...again...feeling very foolish indeed...that I just had to call her to tell her how her book was impacting me and I had only just started reading it! I wasn’t even half way through it yet.

She was so sweet and we talked for a good while. I felt like I’d just made a new friend.

Then...later, after I'd finished the book...I wrote her a letter apologizing for infringing on her privacy by calling her and repeating how special her book was to me.

Weeks and weeks went by and I'd about forgotten that I’d written her...when one morning................

The phone rang.

It was her!
It was she!
It was Awiakta!

She said....”I've been in France for the last 3 weeks. I just got home last night around midnight and I was so tired. But I was looking through the mail and saw your letter. I had to read it right then.”

She went on to say, in her sweet southern drawl,

“I just had to call you and tell you a story.........

“You know”, she said, “that day when you called me, I was going through a really rough time.

I was going through my second round of chemo for breast cancer.

I was thinking I might die.

And I was wondering if anything I'd ever written had made any difference at all in the world.”

And that, Dear Reader, is when I called her. Don’t you find that absolutely wonderful? I did. I still do.

My call must have been a balm to her soul, don’t you think? And I was so worried about acting in a totally inappropriate way.

I believe my Spirit heard her Spirit’s cry…and answered.

She is Marilou Awiakta,  a half-Cherokee poet and essayist.

I recently posted one of her poems on here, “WHEN EARTH BECOMES AN "IT."  It is one of my favorites by her, but there are many that I love.

The name of that little book is, SELU, SEEKING THE CORN MOTHER’S WISDOM. I bought my own copy so I can read from it any time I want to. I don’t have to get it from the library anymore.

Why did the book affect me so?

Because I had been ‘imprinted’ with an image of an angry, vengeful, male god figure.

Selu, the Corn Mother, became for me, a wise and warm, nurturing and loving female ‘god’ figure.

That simple statement holds much meaning. It would take another book to explain it in detail.

But, if you have had a similar ‘imprinting’, no explanation is necessary, I’m thinking.

And now, you know how my painting CORN MOTHER came into being and why it will NEVER be for sale!

Even though we have not kept up a correspondence, I feel a deep connection to her.  And I bet she does to me.

I am so Grateful that Marilou Awiakta followed her passion to write her poems and essays. And I am so Grateful that I followed mine, to give her my gratitude, when I did.

Here are some links to more information about Marilou Awiakta and her writing.


Dawn said...

wow! that is so cool how that worked out. i need to stop pushing the "override button" on my gut feelings.

Free2bfree said...

I wondered what the story was behind this painting!

Your taking the time to call that one "important day" reminds me of the important lesson that has stuck with me from reading "The Celestine Vision." To act on a moment of synchronicity is truly divine providence for both parties, isn't it? I've tried to remember that particular lesson ever since, that when I think of someone I should let them know. It's a lesson I'm still working on each day. Like Dawn said, it's so easy to punch the override button or hit the mute switch and ignore those little whisperings that are really a gift ... a chance to reach out and connect soul to soul!

More stories in the future about some of your artistic inspirations, pleeeeeeez?

Lotsa Love! ~*~ Karen

P.S. Thanks for the links!

Sharon Kay said...

Dawn and Karen....Yes...we must learn to listen when Spirit speaks, don't we? I'm convinced that not listening is what prevented me from avoiding the fall that resulted in my permanently messed up wrist.
I will try to do that, Karen, but sometimes, my paintings are inspired only by an 'itch' to put paint on a canvas. LOL

Free2bfree said...

Oh, Sharon ... I realize not all of your pieces have a "story." ~giggle~ Some of your art needs no explanation at all ... just an open heart to drink it all in.

I've enjoyed clicking on all of the links you've provided. I'll have to see if my library has Marilou's book ... and if it will jump into my hand! LOL An interesting tidbit ... Marilou and I share the same "roots!"

(((Hugs))) ~*~ Karen

Sharon Kay said...

Karen, I too have a smidgeon of Cherokee blood in my ancestory, which may..or may one of the reasons Awiakta's writings affected me so deeply. By the way, she goes by Awiakta. She told me the meaning...something about a flower...but I have forgotten what is was exactly.
The book has lots of her wonderful poetry in it and a lot of Cherokee history...both older and more recent. Also, she is a great advocate of women's proper place or power in all life...including in government. Let me know if you are fortunate enough to have that little book jump into your hands. ;)

Debbie Brown said...

I love this story, Sharon and it is such a comforting confirmation in one's life to know that we are truly lead by the Spirit to others when we least expect it and in such divine timing. We know without a doubt that we are connected by such a loving God. We should not hesitate to "act" on those little nudges we get to pick up the phone or send a note. It can change someone's day in an instant~~when love comes calling. hmmm~~I like that "when love comes calling". See how you inspire me?~~feeling a poem or something stirring within. :)

Years ago I learned a simple thing, "God isn't chasing us around with a stick." That was very freeing and validated the "loving God presence" I had always felt in my life from the age of 4. It was then I completely dropped the wrong teachings that I had heard along the way that tried to put the "fear of God" into me. ~giggle~ I was always a rebel at heart...still am sometimes. :)

Your painting of "Corn Mother" is loving and inviting and priceless! Did you send the author a picture of your painting? I bet she would love that! I will read all the replys to today's entry on your inspiring blog!

Sharon Kay said...

Yes, Debbie. She got a picture of the painting.
Write that poem, Debbie, while it's 'calling' you! ;)

Free2bfree said...

I'll that remember about her name ... Awiakta. I've already reserved the book in our library system and it's on the way to my local library! Yippee!

And, Debbie ... I'm looking forward to reading your new poem!

(((Group Hug))) ~*~ Karen

Leslie B. said...


I love this story. Just goes to show you--when that inner knowing just won't shut up, listen!
Great blog,

Leslie B. said...


I don't have your email, but if you see this post--did you get my book? You are the only one I don't have confirmation for. Hope you are flying--free and being free.

Debbie Brown said...

When Love Comes Calling

When love comes calling
Will we answer right away?
Or will we say, "that's silly"
A nudge that beckons our heart
We know not why. We question

Will we try to sleep and wrestle?
It keeps tugging away within
A phone call or note
Which one~how urgent
Dare take a chance?
Wringing hands or rather
Hands that reach in faith

Surrender when love comes calling
No act of kindness or concern
Is ever wasted or foolish
There are other hands about
Working quietly and unseen
They will meet you at the pen
And paper or telephone

The heart on the other end
Is waiting and prepared
To receive the gift unannounced
When love comes calling.

by: Debbie Brown

Inspired by so much here recently, but today by Sharon and her Cherokee roots and my hunch of some myself and a deep unfactual knowing of some definate Appalachian roots in my ancestry somewhere. Maybe it is time for me to find out who and where I really came from. Thanks for introducing me to Awiakta~Cherokee/Appalachian Poet, Storyteller & Essayist today. I so enjoyed reading about her from the links you shared here on your blog.
Huge Hugs,

Sharon Kay said...

Thank you, Leslie. You absolutely know about that inner passion, don't you? ;)

Sharon Kay said...

Debbie, Thank you so much for sharing When Love Comes Calling.
May we all continue to listen for and respond to that call.

Free2bfree said...

Love love love the poem, Debbie ... and very grateful to occasionally be on the receiving end of those times when loves comes calling.

Leslie ... thank you for the copy of your book! Sorry about being slow on sending off a proper note to thank you! I'm behind on several things nowadays. Please accept my thanks and simultaneous "oops!"

With love ~*~ Karen