Saturday, January 30, 2010


Oh Dear!

You are not going to believe this.

Yesterday, Miss Daisy suddenly went bonkers. Completely and absolutely. I thought there was something terribly wrong with her. I was really afraid for her. I had no clue what was wrong.

But then, I got a 'clue' and after some internet research, I realized that poor Miss Daisy...our baby in heat.

Holy Cow!

Holy caterwauling!

Holy writhing and whining!

Holy begging and pleading to be let out of the house!!!

I might have 'got a clue' earlier in the day when I found three cats on our front porch....all at the same time.

I'm no expert on cats, but I sure wasn't expecting this to happen already. The plan was, to take her to be spayed at about three months. According to our best guess, she won't be three months old for another two weeks, or so.

I will be calling the vet today, just as soon as they are open.

I don't think we can stand much more of this. One day is plenty, thank you. Her 'meow' has become the most horrific, irritating, shrill...I am searching for more adjectives...negative- unpleasant ones....but that word 'caterwauling' pretty much says it all.

Holy ear plugs!

She is reminding me of when I first started going through menopause. Or maybe adolescence.....hormonally induced insanity is what it is. And it isn't fair. To anybody...human or feline!


I am grateful I am NOT Miss Daisy!


Cindy said...

She is SO beautiful!! Even if she is a bit "distracted" these days!

Sharon Kay said...

"Distracted?" I guess! LOL

Dawn said...

be careful when you open your door...i once had two cats who gave birth a day apart and we wound up with 13 kittens! they would line up and meow at me whenever i opened the refrigerator. it was like being in a bad horror flick LOL.