Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today, I couldn’t stand it any more. Not for one more second.

I got hit hard by the ‘I gotta clean this mess up right now’ bug.

I was having a real good time painting until I needed to clean my palette. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was taking stuff out of cupboards and drawers and bins. I was sorting. I was tossing. I was letting go!!!!

Sometimes, in spite of my best intentions, I find myself holding on to things, way too long.

Today, I threw out a multitude of failed art projects. And some that were unfinished that I finally realized I will NEVER get back to. Why kid myself?

Ten or fifteen years ago, I used to paint scenes on cast iron bells. Ten or fifteen years ago!!!! I didn't even have all the parts for the two I had left…and yet, they’ve been sitting in the same spot in a cupboard for all this time. Why?

I painted so many of these Christmas ornaments for one customer (200 of them!) that I never wanted to paint another one again. So why am I hanging on to these? Do I really think I will get inspired someday to have another go at them?

These wooden boxes were a not-so-good idea gone very bad! They’ve been on a shelf for good two or three years now. Again, I ask myself,” Why?”

I even got hubby to go through a bunch of old computer stuff with me. We filled a trash can...

and also a box....

which will go to World Care.

Maybe some kid in a third world country will have a computer that works because of some of the paraphernalia we no longer need. I like that idea.

Before I’m done, I will have every cupboard, drawer and shelf in my studio organized and cleaned. It will be like getting a nice new box of Crayolas! It will be a very good way to start a new year, don’t you think?

I don’t know why it is so hard to let go of some things. They take up space and they take up energy. Space and energy that might be used to a much better purpose.

That statement might hold true for other things, too. Things like unhappy memories…or guilt and regret…or anger and resentment…or even expectations.

So, today, I’m letting go. And I’m making space for something new and exciting.

Let me sing with Tevye, from FIDDLER ON THE ROOF….


To Life!

To whatever life brings today…and….tomorrow!

I am grateful that each day can be a new beginning.

I am grateful to Life…for Life!


Free2bfree said...

There ya go and inspire me, yet again!!!!!! THIS is exactly what my heart and soul needed today, Sharon.

Gratitude ... and some good ol' pre-spring cleaning! Today is a new day ...

(((Happy Hug))) ~*~ Karen

Sharon Kay said...

I'm glad, Karen!
Go for it! It feels so good to let go and clean up!

Dawn said...

one of the advantages of living in a travel trailer is that you can't accumulate too much stuff. the disadvantage is that it takes a lot less stuff to overwhelm you. i have to purge at least once a month. now it's time to tackle the "inner clutter" you mentioned...

i love the pic of the little seedling sheltered between the rock and the branch!

Sharon Kay said...

Inner clutter is the hardest of all, isn't it, Dawn. But it is so important to let go of anything that is not serving our highest good.
I need to be reminded of that daily! ;)