Thursday, March 18, 2010


Sometimes, my mind takes off to strange places when I'm sittin' and soakin' in the bathtub.

Last night, this is where it traveled.........

What is it that makes us 'feminine' or 'masculine.'

Besides the obvious, I mean.

I am probably one of the least 'feminine' women you could find.

I hate shopping....most especially for clothes.

I don't read romance novels.

I no longer wear any make up at all...can't be bothered.

I don't 'style' my hair...again...can't be bothered.

Don't wear jewelry.........

Cannot stand perfume!

I am totally a jeans and t-shirt, 'What Not To Wear' kind of gal.

I was the biggest tomboy when I was a kid. Whenever we'd play cowboys, I always wanted to be Roy Rogers...not Dale Evans. He had all the fun!

I could throw a softball farther than anyone..even my grade school.

I was happiest going with my dad drive into the Colorado Mountains to load sand, gravel and rocks to take home to build things from. Give me some wet cement to play in!

And yet, my very favorite toy...and I would have been horribly offended if you had called it that...was a baby doll. Not one of those pretty little Shirley Temple like froo-froo fluffy ones, but one which looked, I thought, exactly like a real live human baby.

If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you, "A mommy!"

Now, ask me what was the absolute most fun thing I've ever done in my life and my answer will be this.

"Having my two babies."

And I mean, literally, having them. As in Labor and Delivery!

I am dead serious about that. Of course, I must admit that if everybody's labor and delivery went as quickly and easily as mine, more women might say the same thing.

My first took a total of 6 hours.

The second...well.......I went to the hospital, not really sure I was in labor, at 8:25. He was born at 10:41.

I would have made a great brood mare.

My favorite tv shows are the ones which feature actual live births and deliveries! I always cry.

I also just love watching "What Not To Wear."

And "Say Yes To The Dress."

What's up with that?

Oh...and another thing I totally love is soaking in a nice warm bath with plenty of yummy soaps and lotions and potions. A candle and a glass of wine......those would be nice, too.

A few nights ago, in my bath, I got to thinking about the word, "Amen" and what it really means.

Of course, I grew up hearing it and saying it after prayers. We said it with a long 'a' in hay.

High-fallutin' people said it with an 'ah' sound.

Except when we said the Lord's Prayer. We suddenly became high-fallutin'.

When I was in high school, I was in an all-state choir directed by Jester Hairston.

He wrote the song "Amen"...which goes...

" A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men! A-a-ay men!"

Then, there's lots of short verses...each telling a story from the bible...but with the "A-a-ay mens "continuing all the while.

I'm sure you've heard it many times.

That was the theme song of one of my all-time favorite movies, LILLIES OF THE FIELD, starring Sidney Poitier (sigh) which was filmed right here in Tucson. If you haven't seen it, you should run right out and rent it. It is awesomely good. Poitier won the academy award for his performance...the first ever given to an African American actor.

Anyway...back to the word, "Amen."

Here's a link to some interesting information about the origins and uses of the word.

I guess, that for me, my bath is like being in a gently simmering stewpot of ideas. Once in a while, one bubbles up to the top and hangs around a while.

And then makes it onto this blog.

I am grateful to you for following my wandering mind.


gini said...

Well don't start a post comment THEN click on a suggested website. YOU lose everything.. oh dear I'm forever learning this stuff..

Wow.. what a bath. and a meditation I'd say also. Brought much thought. NICE.
I'd say you were perfectly balanced...and possibly truly authentic.. what more could anyone ask? Nuttinhoney.. :)
We could have been best buds when small..I always was Dale Evans.. he he
One of the things I've learned about you.. YOU do everything your heart desires. or soul.. or both.. and I admire you for this.
YOU truly are inspiring.
love too.

Sharon Kay said...

Gini, I don't always do what my heart and soul desire...but it's a good goal to do so, don't you think? I really believe those things are from our true Spirit and when we follow our true Spirit, we have joy in our lives. I like joy! LOL

gini said...

yep.. I like joy.. and that song.."Get Happy".
Do anything that makes you happy.. go for it!
timing is good but sometimes throwing caution to the wind is the best move.. once in awhile anyway.. yikes
What are some things you desire but haven't gone for the gold as yet?
I will name one go for a hot air balloon ride!! hmmm maybe this summer? :)
love to you Skay

Dawn said...

gini, you have got to go on a hot air balloon ride! i went for one for my 40th birthday present (to myself) and it was absolutely awesome! now i'm thinking about what i desire...thanks for stirring the stew pot Skay! you always get me thinking. Hugs, Dawn

Sharon Kay said... you two have me thinking.
What would I like to do that I haven't done yet?
Anything and everything that presents itself, I guess.
The truth is that I know I limit my dreams by that old devil money. I MUST stop that! If I had all the money in the world, what would I do? Travel the U.S. Paint. Write/Blog.
Two out of three ain't bad! LOL